Monday, June 28, 2010

Avoiding bedtime...

And so the saga of God continues....

The other night while tucking the boys into bed, we had our nightly ritual of them asking questions to avoid going to sleep and me answering their questions to get them to go to sleep. That night was a good one.

Jack: Where's God?

Porter: In heaven.

Jack: Does he drive a mocercycle?

Porter: No....there aren't any roads in Heaven.

Jack: What? That's crazy.

Porter: They are tend roads. (As he is swerving his arms around and around like he's driving on a road).

Jack: Soooo....he does drive a mocercycle?

Porter: A tend motorcycle...


  1. Kirsty, Your boys are so precious!!
    You should make a book of your blog postings for their and your future!

  2. At one fireworks display our five year old twins were watching. Ann Marie asked if God enjoyed the fireworks. Such sweet memories.

  3. Very sweet. My 6 year old still plays the nighttime question game. I love how she scrambles to think of something to ask as I walk out the door sometimes.

  4. Too cute! Boys are the best!

    *Come on over - I'm hosting my first giveaway!*
