Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dressers are divine....

Okay, so no one sends me hate mail because I get stuff for cheap....I'm not cool enough for hate mail....

Here's that dresser that I got the other day at an undisclosed location for an undisclosed price - just to keep you all from getting green....

Aren't those handles just divine?! I love them. Ah....I just get giddy looking at them.

I want to keep this one. So bad. I wish I had a place for it. Really, I want it. BAD.....

I can't get over the curves of the drawers. They are to die for.

I heart this dresser. So. It was in pretty bad shape when I got it. The harp for the mirror was broken. So I fixed that. The drawers wouldn't slide and the handles weren't staying on. After fixing the necessary things, I got it all together and started painting.

Okay, back track. I was going to paint it white. Then I thought about that fabulous gray. But, I wanted more of a subtle gray so I mixed. Ahh...don't run away. Don't leave...I know...the dreaded, I don't know what color this is mix....I put in a dash of heirloom white, a little golf tee white and some 99 cent gray sample paint. And this is what I got. Now. I need more. So I will get a color match. If you REALLY LOVE the color, I will let you know the numbers once it is matched. Just let me know. And stop crying about not knowing the exact color, wouldya?! I am going to call it "Barely There Gray". Because honestly, it's a barely there gray color. And I love it. LOVE IT.

Oh, and taking the roller over the curves of the drawers was so fun! It was like a roller coaster. Only I didn't get sick and both my feet were firmly planted on the ground.

Oh, and looked what found its way to the dresser while I was taking pictures.....

Furniture Feature Fridays


  1. Wow, it is just gorgeous. I don't know how you can part with some of these things!! I love the curve of the drawers best.

  2. Love it! I have a very similar one that I painted Himalaya white or something, but it needs more. Maybe some glaze? Anyway I love yours!

  3. i love it- it tourned out beautifully. i love the color- it is so much more feminine painted with its lovely curves. great job, kirsty!

  4. It's really gorgeous! But I have to know how much (little?) you paid for her. >:}

  5. Oh gosh, wonderful! And it has little wheels that I love. But you can tell me, how much was it? I can handle it, just whisper it in my ear. I won't tell anyone else, promise.

  6. Oh, Kirsty, I'm with you! How will you part with it, in all it's curvy-barely-there-grayness? Love it!

  7. :::swoon::: i love a clean, classic white dresser :) you did an awesome job!!

  8. I picked up a dresser similar to yours a couple of weeks ago & I too feel for the wonderful flow of the lines & the cool pulls. Just gorgeous.

  9. You did a great job. It's just beau-ti-ful! I wish you would go back to saying what you paid for stuff. I love when ANYONE gets a great deal.

  10. Found you via Miss Mustard Seeds...this is beautiful!! Love the color...very french!


  11. Beautiful job, I love the color you selected! FYI: those curved drawers are called "serpentine" as in "the dresser had a serpentine front".

  12. Wow this looks great!! I love the curves!!

    The moth matches!

    Did you get this mixed? I would love to know the numbers! I am trying to figure out what color I love in my house and that matches white!
