Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mom Ramblings #13

1. Thank you all for the comments regarding Ripley! It's so nice to hear that I'm somewhat normal and it was okay to laugh through the situation and also that many of you felt it was good for my kids to be there!

2. I love hearing from everyone. Thanks for the encouragement and excitement about the furniture. It makes me happy.

3. Carolyn over at life, love & puppy prints gave me an award. So sweet of her. I'll get to that post later. But, go visit her. She does some favorite things - like talk about celebrity gossip - which I absolutely love to do too!

4. There's no going back now:

I've only just begun....I can't wait to be done with it!

5. I picked this up the other day, I'm not going to tell you how much I paid, cause I'm tired of the hate mail :)

I adore the handles, But I'm concerned because they don't stay on! I'm not sure what I'm going to do about them yet. It's already painted, just deciding on the handles!

6. The boys camped in the backyard this weekend. They stayed out there all night long!

7. Gus didn't camp out, but he enjoyed a nice cold beverage while lounging in the pool...

8. It's hot and humid and steamy and stormy here. I'm not complaining! But, please send out a little prayer for the people in Eagle, WI. A tornado ripped through their town. It's not far from us. Our thoughts are with them.

9. I'm pretty sure Porter's t-ball game is going to be canceled. And I'm pretty sure he's excited that he won't have to go!


  1. hi kirsty! i can't wait to see what you do with that dresser. it is such a gorgeous shape and i personally would like it better painted. everyone has different taste, so nevermind the haters! we've all had them. so sad for them that they have nothing better to do than sit at their computer and criticize- keep up the good work!

  2. Hate mail? Are you kidding me? I love your projects! If you do all that work sista' I hope you make a mint!

  3. Oh No! No real hate mail! Just gals green with envy over the price I pay for some of my stuff! I love it and I love to tease them!

  4. Kirsty, We don't hate, we envy! Love the dresser and can't wait till you perform your magic on it!

  5. I am crazy stinkin in love with that dresser! It is GORGEOUS! It would be gorgeous no matter what color you paint it...and the knobs are amazing too so I hope you can get them to stay on. I'm living vicariously thru your creativeness seeing as how I can't even sand anything because my belly is too heavy to be bending...oh that and I'm having almost constant contractions! Ughhg...I really hope this baby comes soon so I can revamp furniture again...oh and so I can meet my little one! :)

  6. Is that really your backyard? Really?! The more I see other's houses (through blogs) outside of Phoenix, the more I hate being here! Especially since it's alreay 110 degrees, and my flowers are all dead :(. It's gorgeous, enjoy it!
