Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Late night thinking turns out great...

The other night I was thinking about the contact paper chalkboard....Yep, they have it. I couldn't find it anywhere. But, a few months ago I bought this, thinking I would use it sometime.

Then, I had this know, contact paper....

So, I put the two together. Two coats. Done.

And then I found this gorgeous picture and proceeded to spray paint right over it....

And this is the end result:

Right on the kitchen wall. The boys came up with a list of things they want to do this summer and we're checking them off as we go. So fun!

I had some left over chalk board, and still have some that I'm deciding what to do with....but so far, I've done these:

I'm in love. So easy. So cheap. So using what I had around the house. LOVE IT.


  1. I've been toying with the idea of a chalkboard in the kitchen, but the only place would be on the main wall behind our table. I'm just not sure how it would be as the center artwork.. any thoughts?

  2. Love the framed chalkboard - Looks fabulous! What a fantastic transformation. The jars are super cute! Great idea. Visiting from SDC. Hope you are enjoying your week! ~Stephanie Lynn

  3. Great idea!!! I even have all of my bulk goods in those very same containers...time to add chalkboard/contact paper labels!

  4. Those are seriously creative ideas, especially the labels!

  5. Love the idea! I have used the paint for clipboards for my classroom but I never thought of using it on contact paper! Great idea!

  6. This project made me heart go pitter pat. Well done.

  7. Great ideas!!!! I must try some of these great things.

  8. Natalie - I am all for chalkboards as the center piece of a room. Next to this wall where this one is, we have a ginormous chalkboard that takes up the entire's not pretty - the boys use it every day...but I love it! I'm going to do a post on chalkboards...cuz their cool.

  9. ooooo I like the chalkboard contact paper idea! Happy Transformation Thursday <3

  10. I've seen this for sale, but I had no idea you could make your own! Thank you!

  11. Wow! I love chalkboard paint and I think contact paper is going to be new new friend. Do you just buy it at a craft store?

  12. love the chalkboard and the jars. I've been looking for a frame to do just that but haven't found it yet. When I do, I'll be sure to include it on my blog. :)

  13. so great! i love the flour and sugar jars! :)
