Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Strawberry Fields Forever...

Hubs took last Friday off since he was out of town all week and worked like a dog. It was hot, hot, hot. With nothin' to do we decided to take a little adventure trip. We do that sometimes. We just grab some snacks and drinks and hop in the car to tour the area.

This time we ventured north to a little strawberry picking farm. We had a blast.

Porter decided to try a few instead of picking....

Jack surprised us and picked...and picked....and picked....

And Gus, well he hung out....

Until he realized what we were doing. Then he wanted to try too....

Ohhh yeahhhhh.....he had fun.

We gathered over eleven pounds of strawberries....and only paid a whopping sixteen bucks. I say we did fairly well. I had to freeze half. But, we ate the other half in two days. They.were.good.

I think strawberries are my favorite.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet memories!

    I am with you. I LOVE strawberries and I love going to strawberry patches and picking them. So fun...
