Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dressers are my new fav.

Dressers have quickly become my new favorite thing to paint.

How can you not love this?

I love this dresser. Here's the $9.99 version:

I repainted it, replaced the hardware, distressed some of the edges, and put vinyl numbers on it. Vinyl because it can be removed if you want to.


And I've given up on spray paint in this humid weather. Done with it. D-O-N-E. Done. Need a spray gun. Now.


  1. hi kristy! i am a new subscriber of yours as well! i use google reader so i don't think i show up as a follower for some reason. anyhow, love your work and feel like we have a lot in common- i teach cycle, my major in college was english and communication (though i never went into that field), i run (but not fast!), i love to read, write, craft, paint, anything creative. and of course i am a mom, and then there is the furniture painting connection! where are you located? i was just curious because your prices seem so low! i am in the dc area (closer to annapolis) so i think perceived market value here is greater. anyhow, so good to meet you and i look forward to your upcoming projects!

  2. The really turned out great. Love the gray drawers. But 9.99? Really? Are you walking in there with a gun in your pocket? GW is killing me here with their ridiculous prices.

  3. Wow! $9.99 !!! That is a steal! I love when I find things like that! You did a grea job on this! I love the number idea!

  4. I'm with the other girls! I live in podunk Indiana and the GW prices are KILLER. Bust the bank killer. And you are right, no one can NOT love this!

  5. girl.....
    this looks incredible!

    love the gray with numbers! so smart of you!

  6. It's fantastic! Dressers are so much fun!

