Friday, June 4, 2010

Fuzzy Ladybugs.

Porter receives Your Big Backyard magazine in the mail. In the latest one they featured ladybugs. Often they show some sort of craft to do that involves whatever topic they have featured in the magazine. This one was no different and Porter HAD to make them.

So we went to our local Ben Franklin and gathered the necessities.

1. Big fuzzy pom-poms in orange and red.
2. Smaller pom-poms in black.
3. black pipe cleaners.
4. Tiny black poms or black felt.
5. Glue
6. Googly eyes
7. Boys in muscle shirts

Cut pipe cleaner and form into a v.

Glue v to big pom. Then glue small black pom to both of those.

Glue eyes to black pom. You may or may not have children that like to pick odd colored eyes or mix and match them....

Then glue small dots or tiny pieces of felt to the large pom.

Make sure you put a tiny bend in the antennae.

And there you have it. Tiny fuzzy ladybugs for your kids' pockets.

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! And what a fun and relatively mess-free craft! Thanks so much for your sweet comment yesterday. I'm doing ok...still preggo unfortunately! I have 4 weeks left and its going by slooooowly. I'm huge and since I will be doing a "hopefully drug free" vbac with this baby I've been practicing relaxation techniques and stuff from the Bradley Method book. I am also super lucky because my friend's a doula and will be assisting my birth for free!
