Monday, June 7, 2010

Chaise Cushion

The other day I showed you our chaise. That I absolutely love.

And today I will show you the cushion I made for it! A little back story for those of you that are new here (Thank you following!), I do not sew. Well, I've sewn a few pillows and a couple of capes for the boys, but other than that nothing. I know nothing. BUT, I have a BFF that sews and she walked me through it more than once.

I have to tell you, I was freaking. I was so nervous. Like a girl on the first day of college. Or when you take the ACT or SAT. That nervous. Freaking out. Seriously. Freaking.

I looked everywhere for outdoor fabric that I loved and was not seventeen dollars a yard. And found nothing. So I ended up getting a red ticking fabric. And, we just have to remember to bring it in at night, and in the rain. It's not like we have a pool that we will actually be lounging by, so I wasn't worried about it getting wet while we use it.

I picked up 3 24x41 sheets of foam at JoAnn's. They cut it for me and I used my 40 percent off coupon (thank goodness!) And it came to 66 bucks. Then I got 9 yards of ticking fabric. (I didn't need 9 yards, but it was on sale and I have lots of projects!) I probably used 4 yards. That was 54 bucks. So I probably used 20 in fabric.

I won't terrify you with the steps I used to sew, but I learned that the tighter it was the better. Loose on these cushions would not look that great and two, pinning the fabric together rocked! It made it so much easier.  The stripes actually helped me sew and I was impressed that I sewed sides on it.

I did an envelope back so that the cushions can come out and I can wash the cover. Easy.

Are you ready? Okay. Here it is.

It's not perfect, but I love it. LOVE IT! In fact, I've been sitting on it since I finished it.

And, Tiny G loves it too. He was sick this week (with a 103 temp!) and he hung out on it in his skivvies.

I will do more sewing. In fact, I can't wait to get started on other projects! Yeah! Nerves are settled. And I'd say I aced those ACT's and SAT's.

I wish I would have done this well with my shorts in 7th grade Home Ec.


  1. Love the cushion in the red ticking. I have some in blue that I picked up at a yard sale. Need to do something with it.
    Your little guy certainly doesn't look sick. What a cutie pie! Must have been that comfy cushion perking him up.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I thought of you when I got my latest (i.e., WEEKLY) PB catalog and saw the chaise in it. I couldn't wait to see the cushion! Great job, as usual. :)

  4. These turned out BEAUTIFUL! You are a sewing momma, kirst! Really, love the fabric. Very Pottery Barn-ish. And MUCH better than your 7th grade gym shorts...XOXOXO

    the BFF

  5. It looks great, I love the chaise!
    And your little one is adorable!
