Thursday, June 3, 2010

Birthday and Baptism

Gus is one. Holy crap. I'll do a year one photo recap later this week.

We had a major gathering at our place this weekend. Family from far and wide, a bouncy house, water gun fights, tons of food, napless days, hot temps, tons of food, chocolate cupcakes, Tommy's Margaritas, Grandma Peg's dip, Margie's Texas Caviar, Margie's baked beans, Grandma Marion's buns....the list goes on.

We concluded that the weekend was a major success and it needs to happen again!

We also discovered that many of the foods that are our favorites, although they may have other "real" names, have been named after those that introduced them to the family.  Hence the list above. Does anyone else do that?

Here are some photos of the birthday boy with his first sweet treat.

In the beginning:

In the end:

In addition to the birthday, Tiny G is no longer "in Limbo", God was singing and two huge sighs of relief were heard from certain members of the peanut gallery.

Godparents. (T's Sister and BIL)
My side of the family (minus one sista). (This sista is gettin' hitched in October.)
T's parents and Grandma. (Grandma is 94! And still going strong!) (T's parents have three children, and each child has three children. Seven of which are boys. Only two girls!)

Some of us ate....

SIL, niece and my sis.
Some of us bounced....

Some of us lounged....


Some of us tried on Grandpa's glasses....


Some of us had a water gun fight....

One of us got in trouble for having a water gun fight....

And one of us retaliated...

Then we ate and played some more.

What a fantastic weekend it was.

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