Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I've been wanting to put a pendant light above our kitchen sink for a long time. I just couldn't find one that I LOVED.

Then I saw this. Right? But for $129 I wasn't going to do THAT.

Image courtesy of Pottery Barn.

I just knew I could make it and for cheaper too.

So, in the midst of building the chaise and sewing cushion covers I got sidetracked by this tiny project and needed to finish it before our families arrived for the big weekend. It got finished while my Dad was here, and before T's family came!

I think I spent all of fourteen bucks. For the whole thing. THE WHOLE THING. FOURTEEN DOLLARS.


And after:

HOW AWESOME IS THAT???? (I know I still have that wreath up. Back off.)

Here's the process.

I looked for old canning jars, but didn't find any with lids, although I knew I could just buy the lids, I started thinking about how I didn't really want to put lights up that used to have food in them, and sometimes, as hard as you try, the gunk just doesn't come out of those jars! So I got new ones. They come in packs of 10 for $9.99. I used three for this and the rest as votives with the little wire handle (like I did at Halloween) with the rest of them.

Then, I went to HD and got lamp wire and light kits.

You use butt splicers (I know. But that's what they are called.) to connect the black and white wires to the lamp wire. Now. Make sure you know which one is the black and white, because that will be VERY important in the end. Black and white still need to match up when you connect them to the ceiling.

I had no problems with this step. None at all. Nope. I didn't have to call in reinforcements....and if you think that I'm telling you the truth, then you don't know me! Of course I had to get help! I called in my hubby to fix it in the end. I won't lie. But, not until I got so frustrated I nearly cried.

I drilled a small hole in the center of the jar top.

Strung the wires with the light through the jar top and attached the light bulb.

I wrapped the wires in jute.

If you hang the lights without the jars on them, it is much lighter and much easier. I'm just sayin'....

The first ceiling cover was too small so not all three wires fit and I had to go back to HD for a different one. Of course it was brass, so I had to paint it, but whatev. That's nothing.

Then after I couldn't get the base to connect to the ceiling, I had to call in the big guns. He finished it up, switched two wires that were causing a light not to work and attached it to the ceiling as well as he could. 

We still have a tiny little problem at the top where the threading is, but that will be fixed in no time.

And done. LOVE IT. Now I want to put them everywhere. Seriously. I'm thinking laundry room, foyer, hallway....where else?

Decor Mamma


  1. Totally love it! You and hubby are a genius. Now I want one.

  2. GET OUT!! That is awesome!! I stumbled on your post by accident, but will definitely be a regular now!!

    follow my blog if you get a probably won't find a post like this, but then again, you never know!

  3. I always love how you just SEE it, and then you DO it! I don't know how you find the time or energy, but it's so inspiring!

  4. That is very cool! I wonder what it would look like if you sprayed the glass with that "frosted glass" spray. Then you wouldn't be able to see the bulbs as much.

  5. Well that turned out great! I have can lights above my peninsula that I would like pendants for. Not sure how that would work. Not go over to that window and take down that wreath! ;)

  6. That turned out amazing!! I may have to try this myself! Thanks for posting all the steps. You did such a great job! :)

  7. Bravo! I love it!

    I think I'd use some of the "Edison" bulbs in them to make them look truly vintage. I'm just sayin'.......

    Seriously, well done!

  8. Wow! I like the cluster of them!! I have to say though, wiring more than one really intimidates me. Good job! Thanks for the comment. Great minds think alike. :)

  9. I want one! Now to talk the hubby into playing electrician....

  10. That is perfect! Isn't it great when you can see an idea and make it perfect for your house for a fraction of the cost.

    Kimberlee, from

  11. Wrapping the wires with jute is GENIUS! I really like how this all came together~it's a great knock off!

  12. Good for you! I love that look and you totally beat PB at their own game! Well done!


  13. Excellent job!! So happy I stopped by!

  14. Love this pendant light, you clever clever girl! I agree with Katie's comment about frosting the glass so the bulbs won't be visible. Gotta try that for sure!

  15. Thanks everyone!

    I thought about frosted glass and different light bulbs, but I actually like the look of the light bulbs in there. I think it kind of gives it that industrial look meets farm meets dork. :)

  16. Genius! That looks amazing, I love it! I think the bulbs look good too, something unexpected.
    Great job!
