Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Glass in the cabinets, check.

Just putting some finishing touches on the kitchen. I've been talking about putting glass in the cabinets FOREVER. We don't have a router and we didn't want to buy one just to do these two cabinets. I decided I was going to rent a routing tool and tear up one set of doors on my own. Well, with T's help. But then he was working and I wanted things done, so I called my good buddies at the local glass place that fixed my broken window and they cut them up for me and I didn't have to worry about screwing up!

They also cut me two pieces of glass. Easy peasy. Although one was a teensy bit too big, so I had to go back and have them cut it again, three kids in tow, pouring rain out....he noticed it was cracked a little, because I tried to shove the hinge in the back, and cut me a brand new piece....for free! Gotta love businessmen who know how to do business! When we are ready to order our shower door, I know where we're going!

(Ummm....maybe I should take down that Christmas wreathe....?)

I don't have a step by step of installing the glass, but, they just routered the back of the door and I put a bead of silicone on the inside and slid the glass on top. Let dry for a zillion hours and you're done. The bead of silicone and glass create a suction and you don't have to worry about doing anything else.

I also took the doors off the cabinets above the fridge, painted the inside gray and added some baskets. Oddly, those cabinets were empty before. And the baskets are empty too. I can't reach up there! No point in putting something in there when I can't even reach it without climbing on the counter. And that's just takes too much effort.

Put in a new light above the island,

and fixed the switches and outlets....that took forever. And I needed a tiny bit of help from my hired help. You know, hubby. Those daffodils don't look dead in the photo like they are in real life. Ahh...the power of photo manipulation.

And we're done. I think.

Tiny little race cars all over the floor....


  1. looks great! Now you have to keep them super organized, maybe a glass jar full of little cars would look good! LOL

  2. Looks fabulous! You and I are on the same wavelength. I want to do the same with glass. I just said to hubby that I need to put the cabinet back above the fridge. I took it down when they delivered my new fridge and said it wasn't going to fit. Well, I wouldn't let them leave! So I ran and got my screw gun and took that sucker down! Now I want it trimmed and put back up. It's only been down 9 months!

  3. That looks great! I love your new light above the island. Your kitchen is gorgeous.

  4. Looks great! Makes me want to do something to my kitchen...

  5. Hi Kirsty! Just wanted to drop by and let you know that I've nominated you for the Sunshine Award on my blog! Stop by sometime to claim it, hope it helps to brighten your day! Take Care!


  6. Lori - that's funny, right now there is a gumball machine with jellybeans in it! It's still pretty uncluttered....so far. Wait until all the plastic summer cups come out! Then it will be a mess.
