Saturday, March 27, 2010

Target smells because of my kid.

I think I'll start a category called "Funny places kids puke". Actually, I could write an entire post about all the crazy places I've puked while pregnant. But, let's stick with kids.

On Thursday, Jack puked while sitting in the cart in the frozen food section of Target. Fortunately that area is right next to the paper towel area. And so I grabbed a pack, ripped it open and cleaned the floor. Then I headed over to the kids clothing and grabbed the only pair of jeans they had in the entire boys area.  we changed him right there in the middle of the clothing section and I held onto the tag. And because he was a little freaked out and wanted to snuggle with his puke soaked blankie, I let him pick out a new one. At least it's cute. Brown with polka dots. Because I know you are all wondering.

Even though he projectile vomited all over everything, he still proceeded to eat a scooby snack that he had in his hand (never mind that it fell on the floor too) immediately after he threw up. And screamed when I tried to take it away....yuck.

Feel free to read about the other funny puke stories here and here.


  1. Oh motherhood! It has it's moments. I love how your list of things to do is getting whittled down.

    I say the marathon will be last.

  2. I am laughing out loud with your stories and my coffee. I am a vomit phobic and may have run screaming thru Target if this was me. Thank goodness our children grow out of projectile vomiting...maybe, just maybe my 19 year old does in college. This mother does not want to think on that. Plse pop to my blog as I have to pass along an award to you this am. Is it the vomit, chair dust scum, or glass shards in the stairs? Nope it is all of it, together. Plse come by.


  3. I have 2 boys who are vomiters. My oldest who is 12 cannot stand seafood. He wont go into red lobster or any seafood restaurant!!! I tell people that it would be easier to tell them where he has NOT punked than where he has!!! I have LOTS of stories!!!!! I have done crazy stuff like that too! Who said being a mother was easy!!!!

  4. Oh Dear God! Poor little guy, oh yes and poor you. What we do for our kids. Run over and get the award from Molly. You deserve it. Just wash your hands first!

  5. Poor little man! My son was carted on a last minute Target trip with me after he got his vaccines last time...He also hadn't had a nap...he also was getting a tooth. Lets just say he was the kid that was screaming the WHOLE way through Target. I was that mom that "can't control her kid" that all the people who don't have toddlers were staring at and judging me. Good for you for thinking fast and fixing the situation! I don't think I would've acted that fast!

  6. Poor little guy! Hope he is feeling better. You handled the situation WAY better than I would have. I have a crazy fear of vomit. It would have been a chain reaction kind of thing! Ewwww

    I love your blog, btw. Found it through my sis-in-law, who ironically just commented above me! (Kelsey

  7. Kirsty, I think you handled that all very well! My grandma used to say "you have to eat a peck of dirt before you die" After raising 5 boys, she didn't worry about a little dirt!
    Have a great week,

  8. LOL.. I got a puke story from just today. I had a charity bowl a thon where they gave the kids tons of treat & candy. (eyeroll) lol ... so my sweet sunshine was jumping and dancing to the music the dj was playing after eatting, cheese fries, popcorn, choclate bar & fruit punch. Right as it was her turn to bowl with mommy. You guessed it.. laugh.. dance, jump AND Puke !! all over mommy's rented bowling shoes. They were less than pleased when I exchanged them for a clean pair. Yes.. I did wipe them as best as I could first.

  9. You're a great mom for even cleaning up! My son worked at Target when he was a teenager. His job was actually "cart guy" - you know, the ones who get the carts from outside and bring them back in? Yeah, they made all the boys do that. Well, he also, evidently, was "vomit guy". He HATED that job. He was always called to clean up the throw-up. So, he would have really appreciated you!

  10. OMG..That is awful!! Poor mommy. You worked right through the situation like a champ.

  11. Three of my four kids are puking right now. At least it is spring break and my husband is working out of town for the week, he would be dying of smells, by now. Sorry for your inconvienience. Hang in there.
