Monday, March 29, 2010

Gus is 10 months.

Today, Gus is 10 months old.

He has a double ear infection. Booo...

He does the army crawl. It's so funny to watch! It happened the same day that the next thing happened.

He has 1 tooth that broke through last week and three that are crackin' through right now!

His hair is growing like crazy!

He refuses to drink more than 4 oz of formula at a time and will only eat what his brothers are eating, sitting at the table with them.

He likes to pull my hair. His brothers' hair and anything on anyone's face.

He is still the cutest little guy around. And has ginormous blue eyes.

Yesterday he took his first tumble off the bed and had his first underwater experience in the tub.

Love you buddy!


  1. Happy 10 month birthday little guy! What a cutie patootie! I miss that age.

  2. He's such a doll! You need another baby. :)

  3. Hi sweet Gus, happy 10 month bday buddy!

    Kat :)
