Friday, March 26, 2010

Because I have a right to change my mind.

I sold the Armoire. I don't know why I capitalized the letter A in armoire. Maybe because it was such a big thing.

We got a new television, right after I finished painting it.

We really had no where for it to go.

Goodbye sweet ARMOIRE. You will be missed. But you will be happy in the Northwoods of Wisco.

I'm such a freak.


  1. You sold the Armoire?? After you showed it off, swore you would never get rid of it and had us all loving it along with you? Oh well, we can change our minds, I can not argue on that. Do it all the time. Enjoy the new boob tube! (what my father used to call it):)

  2. OH, that is funny! The good this is you got a new TV.

  3. LOL you are hilarious! But a new TV is will enjoy it more than the armoire! And your not a freak...your allowed to change your mind...perfectly ok!

  4. Too funny! Well, you can cross off move tv armoire to basement off your list.

  5. Oh my Gosh!
    You are a {funny} freak!

    I loved that....but it is nice to have cashola-

  6. It's a woman's prerogative ya know! ;)

    Kat :)
