Sunday, February 7, 2010

That nasty flu

If you don't like funny stories about vomiting children then immediately stop reading and go read the fun butterfly projects....

It all started with Tiny G. He started puking on Thursday night right before Tom and I went to bed. We have a video monitor on him and I happened to be checking it and all of a sudden I saw a poltergeist surge of vomit spew from his's really fun to see it in black and white. So, we ran in, cleaned him up and changed his sheets. When he saw us, he giggled. Not a joke. He heard our voices and smiled and giggled.  Tick-tock, tick-tock, fifteen minutes later he did it again. We changed him, changed his sheets and brought him to bed with us. But, he wanted to play, so we put him back. Tick-tock, tick-tock, ten minutes later he pukes again. At this point we're worried that we are going to run out of sheets. Oh, and of course we're worried about him. Duh. We clean him up, clean his sheets and he goes to sleep. Soundly. Until 6:30 am. He was smiling and laughing and I figured he was fine. So we went to the gym. They wouldn't let him stay because he had thrown up in the last 24 hours. Unfortunately they didn't tell me this until I was 10 minutes into my run. Bummer.

Nap time rolls around and when I go up to get him afterwards he is covered in vomit. And still smiling....odd child. So, he was sick. I called the nurse line and she said it sounded like he has the GI Flu. Fancy way of saying, "he's puking and has diarrhea and soon you will too." So for him we did the whole pedialyte via a syringe every 5 minutes thing. He went to bed at 7 and didn't wake up until 7:30 am. He took a nap at 8:30 am and slept for 2 hours. He went back to bed at 11:30 am and slept until 3. Then he went to bed at 6. Wow. And now today, Sunday, he is great.

Yesterday I woke up quesy. I thought I was hungry and ate. Tried to do this:

And felt like crap. I puked all day. And am finally starting to feel better. Why is it that when you are puking, lying on the bathroom floor feels so much better than your bed?

Here's where it gets even better! Tom took the older boys to Home Depot to get some wood for the bunk bed project. While they were there Porter threw up in the race car. Awesome. Porter has thrown up in stores before. Once he threw up in the dressing room of a Gap. I was naked. He threw up. It wasn't pleasant. So, at HD Tom raced around trying to clean Porter up, clean the cart and still get the wood for the project because Porter needs a place to sleep....He proceeded to throw up the.entire.night. We're tired to say the least.

So far three of us have been sick. Two haven't. I don't imagine they will last long...


  1. Oh my! I remember those days! Hope you are all feeling better soon and that the shoe doesn't drop for the two who are still standing!

    Kat :)

  2. Pretty funny post considering...


  3. Oh no. That bites when kids are sick. I remember once when Alex was less than a year old, Dave and I had terrible puke all day flu and she had one teeny tiny ring of spit up on her crib sheet. We had her vaccinated for rotovirus (3 shot series) and that must have saved her. Hope everyone feels better soon and your laundry gets caught up!

  4. Oh no! Hope everyone feels better soon.
    My oldest was sick with the flu last year and refused to sleep anywhere except the bathroom floor - I guess it really is the best place to sleep when you're sick..


  5. So sorry for the sickness. Hope all of you are better soon.
