Monday, February 8, 2010

Bathroom Mirror Makeover

I absolutely love when you just happen to do something and it works great. This project cost me under $4. Yep that's right. FOUR BUCKS.

We had these scrap 1x2's that we were not using. And since I hate the awful builder mirrors in our bathroom I needed a fix. I did not want to buy new ones, although that would have been great. And the chance of finding two matching mirrors at Goodwill is pretty much non-existent.

So I fixed it! I took these mirrors (pretend you see two):

And turned them into this:

1x2 cut to size and painted black. And then scuffed up a bit.

Then use epoxy to attach to the mirror. I used Gorilla Epoxy.

Apply very professionally with a grilling skewer. Make sure to get your camera strap in there. 
Then tape it down to hold it secure for a little while. You know, 2.2 seconds. Or 12 hours. Whatev.


Final product:



Sharing is caring:
Metamorphosis Monday
Make it for Monday
Power of Paint
Transformation Thursday
Frugalicious Friday
Saturday Night Special


  1. OOOOOOOOOOO, looks super! I am dreading doing miter cuts on the mirror frame I am working on (hello, I have put it off the last two weekends)!

    You are just way too talented!!

  2. Those turned out great and what a bargain! Clever girl! I hope everyone is feeling better too!

    Kat :)

  3. Those turned out great! Much better than my attempt to fix my 'ugly' bathroom mirror!

  4. You had me at "4 bucks". I'm so doing this. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow! I love this! Super creative and obviously thrifty ;)
    And your son is so cute peeking into the mirror in that one shot! That is like my cats, they are always popping up in my photos. It's kind of like where's waldo, really...

  6. Love your professional tool the *grilling skewer*! Great job, the mirror's look fantastic! ~Marcy

  7. I absolutely love it!! How smart are you?

  8. Four bucks and a world of difference! Very nice!
    Sorry everyone is under the weather, hope ya'll get back to normal soon.

  9. Nicely done - we did something similar in our own home and can't wait to do it again!

  10. Kirsty, these are great! I love that you make all your projects look so easy! I found that not to be so on most of mine, but isn't it fun! (I also adore your boy quotes!) Sherry

  11. I have one of those huge wall mirrors in both of our bathrooms, and I'm itching to take them down and put pretty twin mirrors up there. You've inspired me! Gorgeous.

  12. Nice job. Way to dress up a boring mirror. I need to do this in both my bathrooms. I never would have thought of the Gorilla so thanks for the tip.

  13. Great job! Love the transformation! You took it from ugly to uber sleek! Thanks for the tutorial!


  14. Looks fantastic! I did our mirror in the decorative moulding stuff... defintely more than $4! I'll try it your way next time!

  15. Genius! I've been wanting to do out master mirror with molding, but this looks great too! Thanks for sharing your mirror at the Power of Paint Party.

  16. Loooove them, you did an excellent job!!! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs
