Monday, February 8, 2010

Trip to the ER and the stairs.

Well. We ended up in the ER with Gus. Okay, I took him. Tom was home puking. Yep. The only person in the house that didn't get it was Jack. Instead he has a nasty cough and a stuffy nose. I think he lucked out.

So, Gus was lethargic and throwing up yesterday. His mouth was dry and he was pretty pale. So I took him to the ER and they filled him with fluids and I gave him a popsicle. He ate the ENTIRE thing. It was his first sweet. I was a little sad. Not that it's a big deal, but with the older two boys they didn't have sweets until their 1st birthday cake. So, that was a tiny milestone for us. We'll see how the day goes. We're all home still recuperating today.

Onto the stairs!

It took some convincing and a little time, but I worked my Leigh Anne Tuohy ways and got approval.

There are some projects I do around the house and don't really ask if Tom is okay with it. Little things, painting, chair makeovers, moving things around...but then there are things that I check with him first so that he is on board. Especially if I may need a teensy bit of help.

As you know, I adore old houses. The character, the stories...but there is something to be said for new houses...needing a new water heater is NOT one of them, but others like bigger closets, new plumbing, open floor plans...

The thing about new houses is that if you don't build it yourself with the character you like, you have to do it after the fact. Except for some reason I have this irrational fear of messing with our semi-new house. I know! Crazy. But, I'm irrational sometimes. It's my house, right?! Yeah. Until we move...again...but I don't care anymore. If they don't like our house the way it is, then too bad!

So, I started on this:

The trim and banister in our house is oak. The stairs are pine. I started pulling up the carpet all the way to the top, but then got sidelined by the vomiting and the chills, and the laundry and the puking...I'm not EXACTLY sure what I'm going to do yet. My idea is white risers and the darkest stain possible on the tread to match that super dark front door. (You can see it behind Millie.) It's a brown that is almost black. I'm thinking that it will tie things together nicely. Our landing will then be pine boards in the same dark color....
I need suggestions, advice, support that I'm not crazy....okay, I know I am crazy, but support that will tell me that it will look cool....PLEASE....

Here's one inspiration, minus the white banister. And the grand foyer, and the wood floors...well, you get the idea.
This is going to be a long process...


  1. You are not crazy (on this project anyway)........I LOVE LOVE LOVE the look of the stairs like that. I think it's easier maintenance if they aren't carpeted either.

    Hope you are all feeling much better!!

  2. This is going to be so beautiful when it is complete! Don't worry about how long it will take, just take your time.. the end result will be worth it. I am jealous, I would love to have these stairs.. I don't think I can convince my husband to remove the carpet though. I hope everyone feels better soon.

  3. I would love to do this but I'm sure I have ugly wood underneath the carpet.

  4. Sorry about all the sickness going around your house but it looks like it's ending. Poor Gus (well maybe lucky Gus, getting that popsicle!).

    I like your idea for the stairs. We recently got rid of the carpet (which looks terrible once it's worn and dirty right up the center) and now have wood. We also made it curve so it didn't go straight down, it was pretty steep. I love your inspiration picture. You can do anything if you really want it!


  5. Oh gosh, sorry to hear about the trip to the ER but glad it had a good outcome.

    If dark stair treads with white risers makes you crazy then take me along with you to crazytown! I love that look! Can't wait to see it all finished!

    Kat :)

  6. You are so inspiring and ambitious. So glad your baba is feeling better. We had the pukes all weekend too. One came home with them from school today. It's a good time, no?

  7. Thanks everybody!

    Kirsty - sorry you guys were sick too. It was NOT fun.

    Got the stain for the steps! Can't wait.

  8. Oh, Poor Gus! That is terrible-hoping you all heal up...
    The stairs sound like a really great idea!

  9. Poor babies! Hope you all get to feeling better, soon!

    As for the stairs, I saw a DIY post somewhere recently that would help you tremendously! I'll see if I can find it, and email it to you. :)
