Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fake an Apothecary jar of sorts.

I happened upon this awesome candlestick for $1.99. So cool. Then saw this glass thingy, candle holder, candy holder, whatev. It's super heavy. And it was a buck. Perfect match. I don't know what to call it. Apothecary jar? Hurricane? Bowl on a stick?

Gather the necessities:

Attach glass to candle holder:

Done and Done. I love when things come together perfectly. If I didn't already have a peanut butter cup holder this would be perfect...Maybe, maybe, maybe I need more peanut butter cups.

Sharing is caring:

Frugalicious Friday


  1. I LOVE it! You motivated me to head to the local Salvation Army...I looked, and looked for something to glue, spray paint...something!
    I didn't find anything cheap, or great, but I found a GREAT floral center piece for my dining room table-it was awesome! Looked custom, the right colors, the pot was unique-all this for five dollars! Loved it!
    ...Then they lady at the register told me that "5" was really part of "NFS"-meaning not for sale-it was a decoration for the Salvation Army....
    So I went home empty handed- :(

  2. Great idea and it looks like the perfect little votive holder! Or jellybeans, who doesn't need a jellybean holder?

    Kat :)

  3. Ruby - that stinks! You'll have to try again!

    Kat - we love jellybeans in our house. They don't last long enough to even fill a jar!

  4. This turned out really cute! Peanut butter cups would not last long in my house...I would be the culprit eating them all.

  5. That was cute and easy! I could make a candle hurricane... I love the idea and the simplicity. Thank you! Sherry

  6. Love your blog! Adding you to my blogroll! :) Have a great day! Erin

  7. OOOhhhh! Fabulous! I love the dark wood with the glass.
