Friday, February 5, 2010

Accidental Closet Organizations

I'm pretty OCD. Organized closets, line up my m&m's before eating...told you...OCD.

We were going to do some baking today, but I didn't have any eggs. You'll have to wait for my post on the most delicious carrot cake EVER until next week....after I get some eggs. And some sugar. And some flour. 'Cause Jack drove his motorcycles in the sugar.

So, while the boys did this:
(Love this picture. He's a lefty, by the way. How AWESOME is that?!)

I ran upstairs to get some clothes to donate. I go through my clothes every time I get something new. So, since I bought a new pair of jeans, I had to go through my clothes.

And then I saw this:

Holy moly!
And this:

Scarves taking up a bunch of space!
So as I was grabbing shoes and putting them away, I saw these:

And a lightbulb went off. I have absolutely no idea why they were in my hanging shoe holder, I have no idea where they came from. But they are mine now and I'm using them!
So, I did this:

Sorry the first one is blurry. But, I hung my scarves through the circles and hooked one onto the rod. Then I hung my purses on the circles and hooked it up.

That's it. That's enough organizing today. I'm wiped. Ooohhh....see that Gorgo red purse. Just got it from J.Jill for 40% off of an already 50% off. And I had a gift card! Rock on. That is going to NYC with me in March.

Ahh...but things aren't all happy....because I came downstairs and found this:

Stuck. In the step stool. Freaking out. He got out.

Gonna share this:
Frugalicious Friday


  1. Can you take me to NYC with you in March?

  2. I don't know how I found your blog, but I did and I get really excited when it shows that you have a new post in my Google reader. This solution for scarves is such an easy and great idea. Since my scarves are currently living in a tub in the corner of our bedroom, my husband and scarves thank you for this idea!

  3. Oh I'm jealous of those rings! I'm an OCD freak too! I even have my kids' closets organized by color and season - I can't help myself! All my purses right now are stacked on the top shelf - I have to toss them up there or get my savior husband to retrieve them! I love this idea - I may steal it :)

  4. Leah - I imagine that you could fit in that red purse...come along for the fun!

    Kathy so glad you found some inspiration! And glad you found this little blogggy-blog!

    Annie, feel free, steal away....I wouldn't want it any other way!

  5. I'm OCD about some things and not that weird or what...can you have partial OCD?! I line up my M&Ms and group them by colors, then I leave one of each color to eat last, I know weird!

    Anyway, enough about me. I really need to do what you did with your closet, it looks great and I love that purse!! And my son is a lefty too which I think is very cool, it makes him both sensitive/creative "and" logical if that makes sense!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and posting such sweet comments! And I'm glad your little one is "un"stuck!

    Kat :)

  6. Since you said you can't remember where you found the clippy things, thought I'd share this with you:

    I owned in a nail boutique that sold purses and jewelry and scarves and we used rings like that for display - we bought them at Target in the shower curtain section!

    I never thought to do it at home. Thank you for the tip! Bags look Great!

  7. Kirsty, Great organizational idea! Poor baby, I'm glad he got out! Trauma!!!

  8. So -- did he mind that you took his picture for the blog? hahaha

  9. Marija - you are so right! The second I read that I realized that's where they came from and they have been there since we moved here!

    I'm pretty sure you can get them in the office section in different sizes too.

    Thank you for helping my memory!

    Jan - he was NOT happy that I took his picture. Especially when I was giggling at him...ah well.

  10. Good ideas!

    I do the same thing... going into one room and getting sidetracked. I have OCD & ADD, so I'm busy!!!

    I just call it "multitasking".

    I just posted my closet project too. I actually got Hubby to make shelves and cubbies :)

    Organization is the key to getting ready in the morning!

    See you soon ;)
    Bunny Jean

  11. fabulous idea! I would much rather have my purses on display like that, then stacked in a pile like they are currently.

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  12. i am a messy, and unorganized gal, so i have no grounds to comment on the organizational part of this post haha!

    BUT--who hasnt been stuck in the step stool before? (literally or figuratively)

  13. Good idea, Kirsty! I have a spot in my closet that I need to get to before it gets out of hand. {My son is a lefty, too!}
