Friday, February 19, 2010

Stair progress report number 87

I finished staining the stairs. Let me tell you something. I am in love with my steps. I would like to sleep on them and hug them and snuggle with them. Except they are hard and I like cozy and soft.

It turned out exactly like I had hoped. Even better. Since I hate surprises I'm not going to make you wait for a big reveal. I'm just going to show you what I've got.

I purchased a spare tread so I could could get the exact color that I wanted. I bought a tiny thing of minwax in black. I also bought a gallon of Cordovan Brown made by someone. I can't remember. If you MUST know I will go and check.
I didn't really like either stain, so I ended up making it up on my own. First I stained the step. Then I dry brushed the brown paint I used on the front door onto the step. Finally I lightly brushed on a final coat of stain.
A process. That's for sure. But totally worth it.
I had to do it in stages. We sleep on the second floor of the house. So, first I did every other step. That way we could go up and down without stepping on the wet step. That was all shot when I forgot about the dogs. But, it wasn't a big deal. (Please ignore my sausage toes.) By the way, Tom thought it was a genius move to do every other step. He asked me who thought of the skipping step idea and when I told him it was all on my own I got a fisties. That's major kudos from him. 

Then the next day I did the other steps.


That's it for now. Still more to do....I'll get a close up...after I sleep.


  1. Your efforts paid off! (btb, how do you do all of this with little children? Or are you 22 or something?)

    I'm jealous. We have only two stairs in our house.

    I enjoyed following the process. Thanks so much for including us in it!

  2. Wow you have been soooo busy! I am enjoying all of your posts. Congrats on the stairs. I have a huge room full of orange oak trim that I need to paint. I keep thinking if these girls in the blog world can do stairs then surely I can do trim. Just have to find the time.

  3. Really beautiful. I love the color you came up with. It's perfect.

  4. First, I want to say Ha! for joining in on my "Finally!" getting the coffee table painted! : ) I am a motivated procrastinator.

    Second, I'm so glad you posted this because I hit my hubby with a double whammy yesterday morning before we left for work ~ I want to paint the kitchen cabinets AND the stairs {ours also are to the upstairs bedrooms}. He didn't say no, but he didn't say yes. I told him, "I have pictures". Thanks for making me not be a liar, as I scramble to find all the great pictures of cabinets and stairs now! Genius skipping the step; I was thinking that myself and I hope my hubby will be as impressed as yours.

  5. Love how you went from update #4 to 87...hee hee.

    Yes, you are GENIUS for skipping steps. Glad you love them.

  6. Looks great! I would have never thought to skip steps.

  7. It seriously does look great! I would never have thought of skipping the steps. Well, maybe I would have once I was on the top and couldn't get down. I'm so do you do it with three kids? I'm hoping if I keep reading your blog, then it will rub off on me!
