Thursday, February 18, 2010

List maker

I'm a list maker. I make lists for everything. It's not always so that I remember to do things. Sometimes it's so that I can cross things off my list. It makes me feel like I've accomplished something.
I used to write things like, take a shower, eat breakfast, brush teeth. JUST SO I COULD CROSS THINGS OFF. It's a sickness really. I say I used to because it got really old not having 'take a shower' crossed off. Now I've started writing things down that I've already done, just so I can have something crossed off. Case in point: check out the 'Honey-do list' on my sidebar. All the things that are crossed off were finished BEFORE I made this list. But, I wanted to feel like I did something. So I typed them up and crossed them off! It's a sickness I'm telling you!

T went out of town for work. You know what that means. Stuff gets done around here. And let me tell you - I am lovin' my our new compound sliding miter saw. T is terribly jealous that I'm getting to use it first.

I almost finished the bookshelf. It just needs the back. And to be painted.

I also did the hutch. All by myself. I can't wait to show you that.
AND, I finished staining the stairs.
AND, I cut all the boards for the landing.
AND, I made the kids a 4 course meal for supper...okay, that one's a lie. They had chicken nuggets.

On with the list making and crossing off.


  1. Can't wait to see how it all turned out! I'm a list maker too. I even have a running digital to do list on my computer desktop. A Microsoft gadget. Can't wait to try out a Knock Off plan myself.

  2. Oh Kirsty,

    We had such a connection going... up until the part where you actually got more things done.

    When my Hubby's gone I find myself staying on the computer longer because I loose all track of time.

    Ok... gotta go now and take a shower, brush my teeth, and do two days worth of dishes. Or at least just comb my bedhead hair.

    The dirty laundry can wait, especially since there isn't much. (Have to change clothes to have dirty laundry. Just kiddin'... sort of.)

    Thanks, you have inspired me.

    Talk to you soon ;)
    Bunny Jean

  3. Love making lists too...most of the time though i'll make a shopping list and forget it on the fridge! I can remember to make the list but forget to actually bring it along! The bookcase is looking love love it!

  4. oOooo, I want to see hutch. Technically , I don't think you get to mark it off the list until we've seen photos. Compulsive list maker too..I know the

    Have a great day, Lynea

  5. girl, we are the same shade of crazy - that's the way i make lists too!

  6. I have the list making sickness too. Oh it's bad! I make these detailed lists of when we go on trips...I even write down the specific days and what I will wear and write down every.single.item. Oh it's nuts. But I rarely ever forget anything. :)

    Girl, I want to learn to use power tools! I've got the bug.

  7. I wouldn't call it a sickness..but I do make lists when necessary! You should have seen me planning my dream vacation last spring! I love the bookcase-you rock with those power tools!

  8. Love the bookshelf! And chicken nuggets? My kids had ramen noodles tonight.... it's what they wanted, so hey. :)

  9. I thought the whole list thing was just me... I mean I know others write them... but do they add completed tasks just to cross them off... sometimes mine are a stretch... one time my husband was looking at one of my lists and asked "Did you make more throw pillows?" ... "Yes" I answered... "I mean... other then the ones you made last week?" he added... "Uhh..nope" "Then why are they on your list?" "They aren't" I replied... "I'm looking at your list they are right here"..."I know, but they are crossed off.." He looks at me in confusion so I clarify... "They hadn't been on a list yet and they were done, so I needed to check them off..."
    I am surprised he didn't strain something with that eye roll I got...

  10. It's so nice to hear that there are other crazies out there too!
    Lynea - soon. Hold on to your horses.
    Rebecca - I am laughing out loud. Hilarious.
