Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Knock off Bookshelf

In the midst of our stairs, T going to Chicago and the entire family being sick I broke the bookshelf. Our only bookshelf.

We've kept the kids books in the hallway upstairs because Jack went through a phase of tearing out pages that he liked. Pages he didn't want to share. Things that were precious and dear to him. Never mind that he could have just kept them in the book and looked at them any time he wanted.

Because of our bookshelf problem our hallway looked like this:

Enter Ana and Knock Off Wood. But, because I am difficult, I had some adjustments. I wanted this bookshelf bigger. Bigger. I wanted one big one. Not three little ones.

Enter hubby. He drew the plans, got everything at HD and started workin. We had some major cuts to make. Like ripping 20 1x4s because our HD was out of 1x2s. But, after everything was cut it all went smoothly....

Yeah we work in the garage in the freezing cold. I think it was colder in the garage than it was outside. We're tough like that.
Enter Mama Llama Drama. I told Tom the wrong measurement for a couple of pieces. Oops. And so here our bookshelf sits. Waiting to be finished.

Because apparently he has had it with the table saw and last night we had to go and buy this:

Which in reality I'm totally pumped about. Now I can do the crown moulding and finish my landing and the second bathroom mirror and the hutch without having to use the saw and the tiny little miter box. So pumped.


  1. Can't wait to see it finished...and many projects you working on right now?:)

  2. Oh we have a big saw like that & my hubs - LOVES it! In fact he built me a house with his - it was totally worth the money :)

  3. SO jealous! I want a saw so bad...

  4. My husband has every tool known to man. Why can't he do things like this??? Wanna trade?

  5. Can't wait to see the final project! :)

  6. You know that I want a miter saw -- So do you like this one? Also -- your husband is a good man. He listen to all your "wants" haha.

  7. There are so many projects going on around here! I should take a photo of our garage! And our living room! Yikes.

    We could trade...for awhile!
