Friday, February 19, 2010

Stair progress report number 857

The landing. This is where I put the pine planks. Oh my....I was so nervous about this part. But about 8 pm during Grey's Anatomy, I just went for it.

I put roofing felt down on the landing to prevent the boards from squeaking too much when they expand and contract and when you walk on them.
 (Free roofing felt!)

Then I put the boards down.

My first coat of stain freaked me out a bit because it wasn't as dark as it was on the steps. But, after the dry brushed brown paint and another coat of stain, it looked perfect.

And here it is after the poly.

Stay tuned for the dramatic conclusion!


  1. that looks freaking amazing. take that, pine plank nay-sayers! can't wait to see what's even MORE dramatic...

  2. OMG...........looks fantastic!!!

  3. I seriously can't believe how amazing it looks...I know I am commenting after every post...but I am in awe over this:)

  4. Nice job woman! I can't believe you are single handedly pulling this off - looks awesome!!

  5. Kirsty, You are really gutsy! This looks gorgeous. Would you like to come over and redo my house? I'm learning the Just Do It thing from you big time!

  6. This really looks nice. You should be proud of yourself!


  7. Lookin' good! Hope you DVR'd Grey' was a good one!

  8. wow, I am so impressed, I love it!!! I have been wanting wood stairs for so long but the price is way too high for the bullnose. I've been thinking of painting them, you have me really inspired! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, thanks for your kind comments on the desk!
