Saturday, February 20, 2010


Ana at Knock Off Wood did it again. Remember how I said that we bought two sheets of MDF because we needed just a tiny bit more for the bookshelf? Well, with the extra we had HD cut the necessities for a hutch. HELLO!

With the help of our new compound sliding miter saw I put it together ALL BY MYSELF. It was a piece of cake and only took about an hour. Thank you pneumatic nailer. It just needs the back and a little paint. I love it.

It's far from perfect. I missed with the nail gun twice. Not pretty. But it got covered by another piece of wood.
I'm not a pro. But I play one on the internet.
This is the halfway point.
The final product, minus the back and the paint. I need to get the table saw out to cut the back.



  1. Very impressive! I am afraid of the power tools....I need to conquer that fear.

  2. I have finally figured out how you do all that you have NO fear! Well, that and you are extremely talented. Looks great.

    Once you put on the back are you going to put some kind of wallpaper on it? Seems to be what peeps "out there" do.

    Can't wait to see the end result. AND, thanks for not waiting until the end to show us. I, for one, love love love these sneak peeks!! :)

  3. I've loved looking at your blog. How inspiring! Thanks for the kind comments about my pillows.
    - Suzanne
    Just Another Hang Up

  4. Great job! I love sneak peeks, too!

  5. Ahhh -- There will be NO stopping you now!!! That is a wonderful project, and I guess it's pretty much free, isn't it? Well done. This is a very motivational project (cause I got my miter saw too and haven't taken it out of the box yet).

  6. I want your saw, your energy and your ability to make things with wood. I am in awe!

  7. Wow! Good job!
    Thanks for stopping by and visiting.
    Your bio..other than the PR marketing and counselor, sounds so much like me! :)
    So nice to know there are others like me out there. A little scary at the same time though!
    3 boys here and very chaotic!

  8. I love the hutch and the stairs!!!
    They are awesome! I so want to try some of the Knock Off wood patterns. You are seriously tempting me.

    Give yourself a great big pat on the back. You did good!!!

