Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Final Chapter.

Well, maybe not the final chapter. I'm still deciding on painting the banister and the side runners. If you would like to know the back story on the steps, go here, here, here, and here. Oh and here.

Here's the before. Yucky, cheap carpet:

And here's the dramatic and exciting after:

Love, love, love....dreamy love. I can't decide if I'm more proud of the way they turned out or the fact that I did it ALL BY MYSELF. Hubs did not touch them AT ALL. Not even on the landing. Not a single staple did he pull. Not a single nail did he hammer.

I am so linking this to show off:

The DIY Show Off


  1. I've got carpet on my stairs and would love to rip it off and do something like this. Nice job! :)

  2. Your stairs turned out wonderful. I know this was a lot of work but the results are fantastic!

  3. Just beautiful!!!! Impressive! (and motivating....)

  4. Your stairs turned out great! Much better than carpet.

    I hope you'll stop by AtticMag this week to see my home on tour.

  5. I love it! I'll be using your pictures to convince my hubby to do ours!

  6. Kirsty, The reveal is beautiful and very dramatic. I hate carpeted stairs! Great work, Gal! Sherry

  7. Your stairs turned out so great!! I bet you are loving them!

    Kat :)

  8. Oh, how beautiful! I give you a gold star for being so brave to pull the carpet up in the first place! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  9. Wow, what a wonderful transformation! The stairs look so much more up to date!

  10. wow that is amazing! The stairs are just so pretty!!

  11. Amazing!!! What a difference! And that's awesome you did it all on your own. Way to go!

  12. Really great job! All the carpeting is out of our house now... just hardwood... EXCEPT the stairs! Underneath the carpeting are builder's grade stairs... no hardwood... not sure what to do to finish them ...
    This looks amazing~

  13. GORGEOUS! Amazing job! Your hard work definitely paid off!

    Thanks so much for sharing your inspiration in the DIY Project Parade! :)

    Have a fantastic week!


  14. Great JOB!!!! Way to go! I had to look at the whole project from beginning to end because I have those yucky carpet stairs! Would love to do a version of this. Did I say GREAT JOB?

  15. I love it! Give yourself a huge pat on the back for doing that on your own. I'm trying to get up the guts to do floating stairs on a small landing that we have. Seeing how great they turned out gives me a bigger push.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. GORGOUS! You did an amazing job!!!! I wish I had stairs in my house so I could copy you!! :)

  17. You did so good. They turned out beautiful, and you'll be able to keep them so nice and clean, unlike the carpeting (which I have). I am going to read and re-read what you did and put it on my "to do" list!

  18. You are tempting me to start ripping up carpet right this minute! You are right--HUGE change! Great job. You should be proud of yourself! I am bookmarking this!

  19. Great job! We are in the process of doing our stairs too (although, we are replacing treads as well and adding a banister) and it's really hard work. I'm super impressed you did it yourself!!!!

  20. Congratulations on a great job! I love the dark stain...

  21. YOU SHOULD BE SO PROUD! These look amazing. I'm so glad you used a very dark wood-tone intstead of a glossy black paint. This is timeless...

    Great job! Marija

  22. Love it! This is a project that is on my list too. I removed the carpet...3 months ago! Maybe your joy will get my bottom in gear! LOL!

  23. It looks beautiful, love how it turned out.

  24. Just found your blog from DIY Day. I have 3 kiddos also and a love of "Love you Forever" (the first time I read it I bawled). I am sooooo impressed that you did the steps yourself. I had a client ask me a few weeks ago if we did steps and I was terrified and said no. Great job!

  25. Okay, this is really inspired! I love the white risers and dark stair treads with the medium glazed spindles and banister. It is a feast for the eyes and I am certain gives you much joy every time you look at it!

    Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

  26. Great job!!! I am impressed you didn't have your husbands help at all! Oh how I wish I had stairs... They are very beautiful!

  27. Tese look great. GO FOR PAINTING THE REST, side and the rails. Looks so up to date and great!! New follower here! I want to see it in its final state!

  28. That is hard work, but so worth all your efforts!! They look great!~

  29. I would have been so scared to do that dark color on the steps, but I totally think it is amazing! We are women hear us roar!! You go!

  30. I have a thing for stairs and I am loving yours! Nicely done ;).

  31. Your stairs look awesome. I may have to do mine one day.

  32. Such a cool project...I totally want to do this to my stairs! You are awesome :)

  33. Be still my heart! Gorgeous! Did you use a stain or paint & could you share what color? I've got this project on my list of "to-do's". Thanks for sharing at the POPP.

  34. We have carpet on our stairs, and I'm terrified to pull it up. I hope that when/if I do-that I can make what comes out look at least half this good. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

  35. Gorgeous. I am trying to convince my husband to let me do this!

  36. Great job! I absolutely love it & have been considering doing the same thing on my basement steps that i talk about here. you did a great job & all by yourself. that will prob be me too!

  37. What an amazing job. I am so impressed. I found this from...some other blog, and am so glad that I saw all your posts. Wow!

  38. Love them!! Absolutely gorgeous! I know how much work that takes -- you should be proud!!

  39. It looks great, but I also agree that you should totally paint the rest white!

  40. you are talented lady!!
    i love this idea!!
    i just sent your handy work to my man...i want him to do this!
    he is a "stay-at-home daddy" to our dog right now ;)
