Sunday, February 14, 2010

Stair progress report number 3

Imagine if you will, McDreamy. Or McSteamy. Or McHottie. Any one of them. Okay, you're getting off track. Stop that. I'm talking major surgery here. That's what I feel like I've been doing for the last few days. Needle nose pliers stat. Flat head vice grip. Needle nose vice grip. Pliers.

When removing staples remember to be gentle. Especially on pine because it is very soft.

So, I got all the staples out. I only dropped the F-bomb SEVEN times. I counted. I wanted to be able to tell you all how little I swore about it. I actually swore less on this project than I did during either one of my drug free births. And this was three times as long and hard. Not harder though. Oh, have I mentioned that? Babies. No drugs. Twice. Check out the story. Yeah. I'm proud.

Then filled in the nail holes with some stainable/paintable wood filler.

This afternoon Tom took all three boys to the grocery store and I sanded the steps! We're movin' along.

This is what the steps looked like:
See all the dirt? And marks. And yuckiness. See it? Look closely...

Now, see this:

Behold the beauty. Doesn't it just look great?! No touch ups. Honest to Pete. That is the magic of a hand sander and 220 grit sandpaper. If you are going to sand something you have to put some muscle into it. Don't think that just hangin' on to the sander will get all the crap off the top. Don't be afraid to use your muscles. I thought about using the belt sander, but it's a pretty powerful sander. So I opted for the hand sander.

Tomorrow I'm going to do the landing. I'll give you a sneak peek once it's finished. I also finished the top of the stairs where the carpet meets the step. Super easy. I'll show you that tomorrow. I would get up and go and take a picture, but the lighting is bad at night. And well, to be perfectly honest I'm sitting on my butt and I don't want to get up. I'm watching Tom read US Magazine and I find it rather funny.

Oh, he made me some soup for supper...

Homemade Chicken Noodle from Cooking Light. I'll see if I can get him to post the recipe....It was soooo delicious.

And guess what I ate!?

A real carrot. Not just the babes. And I liked it! I'm in. That's what happens when you grow up, I guess. It was about time I became an adult. If you want the story behind me not eating carrots, go here.


  1. Wow! The stairs look amazing! I can't wait to see them when they are finished!
    Oh and I totally respect you for the labors, I've had one 18 hour drug-free labor, and pretty proud of it...but two!? You rock.

    Take Care, Melissa

  2. Great work! But the Nail Hunter would have prevented at least 6 f bombs.

  3. Stairs look great and I just made that soup a couple weeks ago!

  4. Great job Kirsty. Your sanding did the trick. I never gave birth, but the f-bomb goes off when I do heavy projects like building the computer desk from a kit with no screw gun!(what was I thinking?) The soup looks good. I think it's lunch time.

  5. Thanks guys. Okay Axxman. Where were you a few days ago with this comment! HELLO! I could have kept up my feminine persona had I not sworn 7 times!

  6. The stairs are looking great! And congrats on your new found love of carrots...ok, your new found like!

    Kat :)
