Saturday, February 13, 2010


In the midst of staple pulling, kid IV's, dog vomiting tampons, and T working in another city, I happened to find and redo a fabulous chair.

I have no idea where I am going to put this chair. Although I took a whole car load of stuff to GW, so you would think I could find somewhere to put it.
Someone already started to sand it...and gave up. The pattern on the fabric is nice, but unless you like the smell of rats and dirt then you would want to replace it too.

Oh, it was $3.99.

It's got a great pair of legs.

I sprayed with Rustoleum Heirloom White and roughed it up, a lot. I used a teensy bit of fabric that was $9.99/yard that I just could not resist. It was probably $2 worth of fabric.
I added batting that I got for free from a woman that I helped at St. Vincent's Thrift Store. She gave me a ton just for helping her bring her stuff in!

Isn't she pretty?!
I love the back. I wish I had 4 more of these.....oohhh, all in different colors...with a fabric that matches but isn't the same.....sitting around my dining room table. Now I'm on a mission....


Sharing is Caring:

Saturday Night Special
Metamorphosis Monday
Make Your Monday
Make it For Monday
Get Your Craft On
Power of Paint
Transformation Thursday
Furniture Feature Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Saturday Night Special


  1. Well worth the $3.99! I love it!


  2. That looks amazing, love love love the fabric!

    It's sounds like you have had an interesting week, here's to a hopefully more relaxing weekend!

    Cheers, Melissa

  3. You have cracked me up with the tampon puke and the "smell of rats and dirt"! I love the new chair!

  4. Oh! I love this chair! My husband teases me all the time and tells me my back patio looks like a used chair lot! I think I may be a collector! TEHE! Love it! Thanks for sharing!

    Bon @ Drab to Fab

  5. Wow... it turned out so cute...I can't believe it was only 3.99 our GW would have put $20 on it... great buy and even greater work...

  6. Kirsty, that is so pretty! I think you need more for sure! Have a lovely Valentine's Day...Sherry

  7. Beautiful! I am new to the "repurposing" world and recently found your blog. I have really enjoyed it and laughed so hard about the dog and the tampons. Glad to hear our dog isn't the only one...........

  8. What a beauty you brought out in this chair! Love it white and the detailed back and legs!

  9. This looks terrific! I love the fabric that you chose!

  10. Beautiful job on this. Really like how you aged the finish, and yes, she does have a sweet set of legs!

    Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

  11. So much prettier now and I love that fabric!

  12. It's lovely, and really does have a great pair of legs :)

  13. Oh, that is so pretty!! I love the white with the fabric choice--beautiful!

  14. I love it!!! I'm currently looking for 4 chairs in a style like that for my dining table... yours turned out great!


  15. you have created a true beauty!

    is this the chair you got just recently? you work so fast. i was cracking up as i was reading your post - because there we were both you & i on twitter - you answering me back on your side bar. too funny. oh dear, lord what a day!
    so glad for some quiet mommy time.
    hope your little one feels better soon. i used to get ear infections all the time so i hate it even more when the little ones get it.

    really, your chair is just gorgeous! you should be so proud of the end result, and the price!

  16. Love the fabric! I've got some of that Heirloom White paint lying around too! Your chair makes me want to paint one myself! Lovely job!

  17. You can't beat that - what a great deal you got and how fab it looks!

  18. 3.99!! You go girl!! What an awesome chair! Love the detail in the legs...nice! Love it even more painted white!

  19. Gorgeous! Vomiting tampons? I'm sorry but that is hilarious!

  20. Wow what a chic clean up! I love the legs on the chair. The white really shows off the beautiful fabric too.

  21. You found time to do this great chair in the midst of all that... you are good! :) It turned out wonderful, love the fabric!

  22. Really? $3.99? What. A. Score! You did an amazing job and I hope that you find more. I love the mis-matched chair look.

  23. I know a great place you could put it... MY house :). I can't believe you got it for $3.99! I am on the lookout for mix-matched chairs and this would totally go with. Just letting you know it would be in great company at my house :). Enjoy your new re-furbished char! It looks great~

  24. P.S. I spray painted two knobs in my kitchen ORB tonight, and am going to see how they hold up to every day wear and tear... They look so good I don't really care if they suck, I can just touch up every so often :). Thank you so much for that suggestion. Also, I am really planning on making an island in my kitchen and I have the perfect dresser for it too! here is the link to it, I just don't know if I want to ruin this dresser. Okay one more thing, you said you have the subway tile you are going to put in your kitchen...what color grout were you planning on using? I used white, but I really don't love it, I wish I had a grout that would make the white pop more. I don't know. Sorry for this crazy long comment! I promise to you give you all sorts of linky love when I post about all your great suggestions!!!

  25. Beautiful. Makes me want to go out and find me a $3.99 chair!

  26. that turned out really great. what a steal!

  27. Lovely... just like all your chair rehabs have been. Thanks for sharing again at the POPP.

  28. I love how it turned out. The white is perfect. Good luck finding more and making them beautiful too.

  29. So fancy! Great job.

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  30. Wow Great find and wonderful redo!
    smiles, alice

  31. Oh, I love this makeover! Well done! :)

  32. Beautiful makes me want to go dig those chairs out of storage! Thanks for the beautiful post, oh and I am following you now!

  33. I am definitely a leg girl and I love those. What a pretty chair. I couldn't have resisted it, either. I also love the color choice and fabric. Great job, as always!
