Friday, February 12, 2010

Ex-Boyfriend Carrot Cake

That's what we call this in our house. Boy, I hope he doesn't read this. Or his wife. Or his mom. Lord, I would be in T R O U B L E.

When I was pregnant with Jack I did the unthinkable. I emailed an ex-bf and asked him for his mother's carrot cake recipe. Desperate times call for desperate measures people. We didn't part on the greatest of terms. I broke up with him on Valentine's Day. I know. Totally heartless. But, it had to be done. Do you ever break up on good terms? Really, come on people. Do you? Didn't think so.

Here's another story of my desperation and overly hormonal ways. When I was pregnant with Gus, I begged people on FB to get me a bowl of beer cheese soup from my favorite soup and sandwich place in my hometown. I even called the soup place and begged with the heart and strength of a pregnant woman for the recipe and I was...not close at all to getting them to give it to me. Oh, they told me what goes in it. But not how much. And not the secret ingredient. Thank goodness for the kindness of relatives, because a few days after I made my plea I received a cooler full of my favorite beer cheese soup. Shipped overnight! It was divine. Thank you Uncle W!

Onto the cake. This carrot cake is fabulous. TO. DIE. FOR. I actually hate carrots. Unless they are of the baby carrot variety dipped in blue cheese. Or of the soaked and cooked in brown sugar baby carrot variety. This carrot cake does not have pieces in it. You know what I'm talking about - there aren't any tiny bits of carrot that get stuck in your teeth. It's made with this:

I don't make this a lot. I wouldn't be able to move if I did. But, I make the frosting all the time. I use it on absolutely everything that would need something sweet. Sugar cookies. Yes. Fruit. Yes. Brownies. Yes. Pretzels. Yes. You name it. It's delicious on it. I nearly dipped a carrot in it today. But I didn't.

For some reason this is the only bowl I ever use to make this. I have a bunch of bowls. But I love this one from a hundred years ago.

Here's the recipe:

2 cups sugar
4 eggs (mix in one at a time)
2 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 containers of carrot baby food
1 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp cinnamon (optional) (I don't add this, cause I'm not a cinnamon fan)

Mix them in order. Add the eggs one at a time.

I just use a fork. 

Add the carrots. 
Then add the oil last. Mix slowly.

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 - 35 minutes. (The middle will fall slightly. I don't know how to fix that. Anyone?)
Stick a toothpick in the center and if it comes out clean, it's done! (Ignore that little section, I got distracted and it was in a little longer than normal and I was making sure it wasn't burned. Honest.)

Let cool. For 2.2.

I know you all want to know if you can substitute the oil (cause there is a lot) with applesauce. Just don't. It won't be the same. What I mean to say is, it's not bad with applesauce. It's just not the greatest thing to enter your mouth if it's made with applesauce.

Here's the frosting. It's just delish.
1-8 oz package of cream cheese (I use the 1/3 less fat, to convince myself I'm being healthy.)
1 lb. powdered sugar (4 cups)
1/4 lb butter (1 stick, softened)
1 tsp vanilla

Mix the above together. Whatever you do. Do not lick it. You won't stop. Remember the Christmas cookies I made? Those are made with this frosting. Seriously. Don't start. You won't stop.
When it is cooled, frost. Use the ENTIRE bowl.

Eat. Enjoy. Don't share. Or share. Whatev.


  1. Hmm, I'm snowbound, well kinda, and now you show me a yummy cake recipe! I'll blame you when I step on the scales and scream next week...or when the scale screams, whichever come first!

    Thanks for the recipe it looks delish!

    Kat :)

  2. Yum!! I am so going to make this.

    I love your sense of make me laugh out loud sometimes.

  3. I'm totally making this today...I LOVE carrot cake when its done right. I too hate those chunks that get stuck in your teeth. Thanks for the great recipe and sorry you had to brave the EX to get it. lol

  4. How brave you are! This sounds yummy and much easier than my 23 ingredient one (which I never make cause it's too big) I'll try it soon! Sherry

  5. Soooo trying this recipe! I had to laugh reading the first part of your post because there is a baker here in Canada who just wrote a book called "The Happy Baker". In it are all of these sinfully delicious recipes for sweet treats but it's also peppered with stories about awful dates/relationships this girl has been in. Today she was on this Canadian talk show making carrot cake - and talking about a story about her exboyfriend. Thought that was kind of funny in light of your post about carrot cake and an exboyfriend. :) Seriously, I'm dying for carrot cake now!!

  6. OK recap on my earlier post....I made this carrot cake...there are NO words to describe how yummy it is! And amazingly easy. I made it as the desert when one of my hubby's friends came over for dinner last night. He took one bite and looked at me wide eyed and was like WOW...just WOW. I took that as a success! Thanks so much for the recipe...this will be a regular at my house now!

  7. Oh my gosh, this looks so good & EASY!!

  8. Yum, Yum, Yum! We LOVE carrot cake and I had to try this was sooo good! :) Also, I may need to make a double batch of the frosting, as my child continued to eat it right from the bowl...I had to take it from him three times!:)
    Thanks for sharing with us it is bound to be a family favorite!

  9. I think I finally found a carrot cake recipe that my husband would enjoy! You are my hero.

    And I have that same exact mixing bowl from 100 years ago. I inherited it from my grandmother, and I use it just about every time I need to mix something. Its a great bowl. Like I'm somehow spiritually connected to the past bakers who used that bowl when the baked, and their baking genius is poured into me when I use it. Hey, it could happen! lol

  10. Ummm Helllooooo! This sounds awesome! How have I not seen this recipe on your blog before? The best thing is that I have a giant ziploc bag full of pureed carrot cubes in my freezer...yay for having an 8 month old baby in the hizz-ouse!

