Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome to my home Mr. Wingback.

Me: There isn't a price on this chair. How much is it?
Nice Man at Thrift Store: We just got it. How much will you give me for it?
Me: I don't know? Five bucks.
Nice Man: Six.
Me: Done.

I'm supposed to be asleep. I actually had a post written and scheduled for tomorrow already....But, I just couldn't wait to share about this chair. It was No-Nap Monday today so I didn't get as much done this afternoon that  I wanted to, hence the late night. THIS is my biggest reupholstery project yet. I've been waffling on what to do with it. Crazy fun, or calm and peaceful? We don't have a lot of crazy fun furniture. We're bland. But, I like it that way.

So, I got a drop cloth and some spray paint. Then I found this fabric:
And I just knew I would use it.

I started taking it apart and trying to remember exactly how things were so I can put it back together the same way....but I wanted to modify it a bit. I didn't want a cushion that would come off. Too many places for crumbs and cars to hide!

Remember that bit on Sesame Street a long time ago with the woman dressed as a girl sitting in that ginormous chair...that's what I think of when I see these pictures. Too funny. I loved that bit.

Beginning of disassembly:

Disassembled and Primed (with my new favorite spray primer KILZ in a can):

Spray Painted Black Semi-Gloss:

This is always where things get tough. I started to line up the material and cut and staple. I find it easier to cut it while it's on the chair rather than cut it and risk having too little material.
I had to use a wooden spoon to shove the material down the back of the chair....

Then I did the wings.

I thought I took a picture of the back of the chair, but apparently I'm crap at remembering...remember...

It was a little awkward to do the arms and front because I wasn't sure where to cut things off, but I think this works. And you'll see in the end that the trim, adds some detail to it. I had a super hard time and cried for 13 whole minutes about what to do with those arms.

On the sides of the outside wings I started at the top and just stapled all the way down. I used a million staples and glued my finger to the wood. Twice. See. I am not a professional.

Instead of making a separate seat cushion I used my electric knife (Thanks Dad!) to cut the 4" thick foam that I got at JoAnn's. I would have used the old cushion but it was falling apart and crunchy. No one wants to sit in a crunchy chair. I put the foam on the seat and covered it. It was a pain in my rear. I'm not super crazy about how the cushion turned out, BUT, the fabric makes up for that. And it's super comfy. Like grab a coffee, or tea (if I drank either) and read a good book all day comfy.

After that I took my trim and went all over covering all most of the staples and rough edges. Seriously, so not professional.
Update: I glued the trim onto the chair with hot glue. Lots and lots of hot glue that burned my fingers... I used the inside part of what you are supposed to use to make your own trim. I couldn't find a trim that I really liked. And I've used this on other chairs.

I heart this chair:


Yummy. I just love that fabric. So fun. So bright. And SO not my norm. It's fantastic.

Linking to: DIY Day, Get Your Craft On, Transformation Thursday, Frugalicious Friday, Furniture Feature Friday, Saturday Night Special, Metamorphosis Monday, Make it For Monday.


  1. did a great job...and that fabric is fantastic...go to bed...:)

  2. Fabulous job! Love that you went with such a bold fabric. It turned out wonderful!

  3. Beautiful job. I love your fabric choice, and you did a great job.

  4. Wow! It looks great! Okay, so did you sew the welt on or glue it? (please say glue, please say glue) I'm just giddy that maybe I, too, could reupholster something! But, I don't sew. I'm an awesome staple & glue gunner!

  5. Oh Kendall, I so glued it. I only sew pillows. And it isn't even proper trim. It's what you are supposed to put on the inside of fabric to make proper trim! I'm such a cheater. You can totally do this!

  6. You are my upholstery hero! I am reading this post with my eyes fixed on every picture and I am more than impressed! Did you staple the fabric to the frame? I have many pieces of furniture to redo.
    I think I'll get a book and learn- you have been such a great example!

  7. Looks great. And I bet your poor fingers hurt from the evil hot glue gun.

  8. It looks fantastic! Every now and then you have to get something for whimsy......the kinda thing that when you look at it you smile.

    I don't think I have ever used my glue gun and not burned my fingers. Ever. Also, I probably used 4,148 staples when I did Alexandra's head and side boards. And I was getting the faux fur stuck to my hands. At the time I found no humor, only frustration.........but now it's funny!

    Have got to get to a thrift store.

  9. Great find and great job! I would have never thought to use a different material on the arms and back, but I really like it.

  10. That is soooo pretty AND I think it looks like a tough gig! I would have cried for longer than 13 minutes and I would have used some rough language too!

  11. Love that bold fabric, and what a great idea to use a wooden spoon!

  12. I am inspired. I have wanted to try recovering a chair for years....think I will go for it now. Thanks for sharing.

  13. WOW!!! I like the fabric you used for this. :) I could *possibly* see myself trying this, but only if I scored a chair for $6. Then if I wrecked it, I'd only be out $6 and the fabric. Such an undertaking! You did a great job. :)

  14. Hi Kirsty! Thanks for visiting. That chair is FAB! I've never recovered anything but that makes me want to.

  15. I really like the fabric choice - very daring and it looks great!

  16. That fabric is fabulous! Love it!


  17. I cannot believe you did this with a staple gun, hot glue, a wooden spatula, and an electric knife. CRAZY. YOU DID SUCH A GOOD JOB!!!! Wow. I'm wondering if I should tackle this myself . . . well, maybe not.
    Btw, I found you via Miss Mustard Seed!

  18. I LOVE it!!!! It looks like a completely different chair --- so wild and crazy and wonderful!! Way to go!

  19. Wow that looks wonderful, like something from Anthropologie! Great job!

    Kat :)

  20. AWESOME! I love it...I'm tempted to do the same...

  21. Well, I am impressed! That was some job you took on! It looks great and, as Kat said above, it looks like something you'd get from Anthropologie.

  22. that fabric makes my heart patter. a lot.
    GREAT redo.
    makes me want to attempt an upholstery project on my old wingback... hmmmm........

  23. fabulatastic did a great job..recovering furniture is not the easist for sure..I have done many peices..couches, chairs and even a wing back chair..kudos to you

  24. First of all, I love the guy at the thrift store who "drove a hard bargain" with you and offered $6.00! So funny. Anyway, the fabric really makes this chair. I am in love with it as well. Very nice work and who cares if it's not professional!

  25. I've done a project almost just like this! I'm so glad you chose the fun printed fabric. Note for next time - there is a glue especially for gluing fabric trim. If JoAnn's doesn't have it check a small specialty fabric store. When I got mine it was about $10 for a big bottle that will get you through many fabric projects - the best of luck to you!

  26. Great job! When do you have time to sleep!?

  27. That chair is to dye for!! Love, love love it.

  28. It turned out wonderful! I love the fabric. I am getting ready to attempt my first reupholstry project. *biting nails* It turned out great though seriously!

  29. Great job!! I love the fabric!

