Monday, January 25, 2010


Middle child threw a fit today in a store. One of those, everyone-is-looking-at-you-and-you-are-a-bad- mother kind of fits. It was miserable.

I forgot to show you Nicole's gift, cause she won, sorry to the rest of you!

Nicole, you'll get more than just one coaster, maybe 2. or 3. or 4. And yes, she is getting the now infamous PB knockoff urns. Lucky gal! But, remember, pictures are deceiving and they were made from stuff I had here at don't be too hard on me!

I got these at Ikea this weekend. I am in love. Although, to be perfectly honest I imagine they won't get used all that much....


I labeled them with my label maker. I love that thing.

And finally. I found this beauty:

I need some input. I picked up a drop cloth to cover it. But THEN, then I saw this at Joann's when I was getting the cushion (fortunately I had a 40% off coupon for that foam!):

Isn't it gorgeous?! I picked up 2 yards. 30% off.

Here's my question: Do I do the front of the chair in this fabric? Or just the cushion? Or just a pillow? I am so struggling with this! I need help!

I've already torn the chair apart and I will do a step by step post for those that are interested. It's going to be a tough one. I already pulled out 8,457 staples.

Let me know what you think!


  1. I <3 that fabric, but maybe a bit bright for the whole chair ( I would do it anyway lol)

    With those ikea spice things, dont put them in the dishwasher- cos then they rust.....

  2. Oooh, LOVE the fabric! I say Go for it! Cover the entire chair with it! It'll be beautiful! But that's just my opinion! Can't wait to see it!

  3. I love that you just randomly start a project, i bet you will finish it in this lifetime also! I just started following last week but you have me fascinated, I did random crafts like that when my kids were little, where did it go. You inspire me again. Thanks

  4. Awesome finds, my friend!

    You have GOT to stop by and see me - you're gonna be bowled over...

  5. Great finds!!! I LOVE the fabric-so hip, and "springy"....

  6. Thanks for the thoughts guys! And Joyce, thanks for the info on the spice containers.
