Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wall of Art

I got this idea from my friend Leah at This & That. She has this fabulous Brag Board for her son's art work.

So cute.

I started by printing off vinyl letters on my Cricut...but I ran out of vinyl. So off to Hobby Lobby.

But they didn't have any either. But they had this in the clearance isle. In my excitement I forgot to take a photo of the 'Country Kitchen' with a rooster sign because I painted it the second we got home. Oh, and after I went to the bathroom. (Too much DC and a car trip!)

I didn't even sand it or tape it off. I just sprayed right over the top of the sign. But, get this! It was originally $48. And I got it for $8. I was thinking about using some regular wood, but this was practically done for me. It even had hooks on the back. Sold.

All I did was cut out letters on my Cricut and Mod Podge them on. I'll tell you a crazy secret that makes me a total freak. I love peeling Mod Podge off my fingers! So weird. I know.

Then I took some more big clothespins - get them at Michael's they are cheaper than Hob Lob. Again, just like the sock thing, I mod podged some paper to the clothespins and attached them to the wall with the Command strips. And because I'm a freak, I did both sides of the clothespins.

To add drama to the project, I unknowingly put the letters on the board upside down. I know what you are saying, "It doesn't matter, there wasn't a right-side-up." But there was - it already had hooks on it! So, I had to switch them around. Mamma Llama Drama.....

There you have it. Finally. That wall is no longer empty.

And Porter couldn't be happier about all his projects being displayed!

Linking to Power of Paint and Get Your Craft On.


  1. love this, but i would have to call it something else. b/c 'of art' can look like a potty word that gets giggles all day long for my boys, and me too to be honest. sorry that is what i got out of your beautiful creation, but I am surrounded by boys, even our pets are boys. So if I can copy your idea I will have to use different words. Ummm, I dont blame you if you delete this comment. Thanks for a little giggle. I really needed it right now. Signed, an uncooth stalker.

  2. Great idea. I didn't realize vinal could be used in the Cricut!

  3. How fun! Wish I had known this idea when my guys were still bringing art home.

  4. Molly that is hilarious. My boys are too young to read, but, I'm sure one day soon, they will catch on. Glad you got a giggle. My daily goal is to make someone laugh!

  5. I am so jealous I mean HAPPY for you that you have a cricut. I want one so bad--patience till hibby gets done with school---ugh!!! I love your blog and signed up to follow as well. I look forward to getting to know you. Thanks for following me.


  6. I love displays for the kiddos stuff... you scored a deal deal... love it.
