Monday, January 18, 2010

No-nap Monday

That's what I'm calling it from now on...we'll see if anything gets done on "NO-NAP MONDAY".

Somethings did get done today. However, it did not include showering...or doing laundry...or the dishes. 'Cause I ain't takin' a cold shower. And you can't run the dishwasher without hot water. And you can't get the stains out in just cold. I know some of you think you can, but you can't. Alright. You can't. And I don't want to hear any arguments about it. No laundry got done today. See this post for the story about not having hot water.

But, the boys played a ton with their trucks and I got two fantastic projects done.

How cool is that!? I am so excited. I borrowed or stole, whatev, this idea from Leanne at Organize and Decorate Everything.
I gathered all my materials:

Yep. DC. Most important thing. Big clothespins from Ben Franklin (A craft store in town). They were $1.30 a piece. A little much, but I had everything else, so I was okay with it.

I had a mat from a picture frame that got broken. Not namin' names, but SOMEONE was rough-housing with the boys.....

I took the clothespins apart.

And apparently didn't take pictures of the next steps. I sprayed with ORB. In the garage. It was nice today. Then let dry for 2.2 seconds. Remember I'm impatient.
Then cut up and applied my scrapbook paper with mod podge. I'm back baby.  It worked this time. I don't know why I got so many bubbles when I tried to do the bathroom art.
I used these to hang the mat to the wall and the clothespins to the mat. That way everything will come off without ruining the wall:
I used my Cricut to make vinyl letters. And just threw them up on the wall.


So fun. And, just so you know. Everything didn't go off without a hitch. Again, remember there is always Mamma Llama Drama when it comes to a project around here. See that middle pin? The spring was switched around so it hung the opposite direction from the other two. I didn't notice until I had it stuck in place. I was tempted to leave it. For about half a second. Then I tore it off and tried to figure out how to put it back together just like the other two. I tell you what. It's always somethin' around here.

I'll show you project number two tomorrow....

Over and out.

Strut Your Stuff


  1. Great job! I love it! And you won't get any arguments from me about the cold water thing either! Hope you get more done tomorrow. Oh, and I can't wait to see project #2!

  2. Loving it... as soon as I read your post, I went and found some clothes pins on ETSY and bought a lot of 4 :)


  3. I love it... only there aren't enough clothes pins! LOL ! cute project

  4. VERY COOL! Love this project. You are sooooooooooo creative.

  5. I have two teen age boys, and if there was an option to "boil" their disgusting clothes I would choose it! Love the clothes pin idea, I spend so much time in the laundry room, it would be nice to have something pretty to look at!

  6. OK I am Soooooo pinching this idea! How awesome.....between 3 kids and a puppy with a sock fetish, I am forever finding odd socks- drives me mad!

  7. So cute, I love it, I think I would need more like a clothesline though for all of our socks. I need to just give up, we're never going to find the match!

  8. I love this! However, as Leah said above, I think I'd need something MUCH bigger! ; ) Too cute!

  9. This is on my to do list as well! I love this idea!

  10. oh, that's a clever and cute idea!!

  11. Thanks for the shout out. Yours looks great. I love the paper you chose.Have a great day.

  12. Really cute, honey!! I got so many of those I have a bin for them. lol

  13. Makes me happy looking at that project!!! Love your blog!

    Just wondering, do you make odd sounds while Mamma Llama Drama is happening??

    My boys are 6 and 9. Funny how touching the 9yo's socks gets me a little queazy now!
