Monday, January 18, 2010

It's the little things...

On any given day, I find these trailers filled with marbles. By lunch they have been loaded and spewn all over the house about a dozen times.

On any given day I have been shot with that "shooty gun" a hundred times.

And, on any given day THIS is what our chalk board looks like:

But, not one things beats seeing these boys having fun together and giggling. Nothing can make my day more than these guys. (The big guy too.)


And this little dude:

Nothing can make the problems of the world go away. Nothing can change the fact that we have to buy a new water heater tomorrow because ours nearly started on fire (nope, we haven't showered), or that 2 of the 3 kiddos have sinus infections, or that I haven't worked out in days, but boy do those faces help.

And this is okay too.

This fun conversation also makes my day:

P: Mommy, I'm done with my samwich and I'm not eating the crust.
Me: You eat the crust all the time, what's different today?
P: Today, I changed my mind.


  1. Love it! Those little moments are priceless, aren't they? And the marbles, well I have the same problem. I made the mistake of buying my 2 year old a set of 155 marbles and a marble track for Christmas. Why oh why do I torture myself like that? All in the name of love, of course! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face with your blog today!

  2. Your boys are sooooooooooo adorable.
