Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lamp Shades get a makeover

While stuck at home waiting for the plumber to put in the new water heater the boys and I decided to get some cleaning done. They attempted the floors.

And I cleaned up after them.

I also attempted to recover a couple lamp shades. On the first one instead of wrapping the fabric around the lamp, I made pieces and glued them down overlapping every other one.

 (Old lamp shade with its skirt down.)

In the process:

Make sure you have lots of glue for your glue gun. You'll use it. A few weeks ago I got three linen curtains from Goodwill. Two went in the front room and the other went in the "I know I will use this for something pile." Figure out the size you need for each section and then cut them all at the same time. Glue the edges over for a nice finish and then attach at the top. Then pull tight and attach at the bottom. I did every other one and then went back and filled in so that there was a nice overlap.

I also put a piece of ribbon on the inside of this one. But it bunches up and that drives me batty.

But, here it is in all its hanging glory:

Looks pretty good, if I do say so myself.
Funny thing about this lamp. I got it about 5 years ago at Target. It was clearanced out. $1.99. Not kidding. There were two. So, I bought them both. Duh. How could I not!

This is the second lamp I did:

This time I lined up the edges instead of overlapping. This belongs to a lamp that I got at Goodwill for a couple bucks. It was blue:

Now it's white:


Have a light and bright day. Tomorrow this:

Linking to: Frugalicious Friday


  1. They look great, Kirsty! I have a couple of lampshades I need to recover, too. I found lamps in the basement, but I can't remember what the heck happened to the shades to them!

    Thanks for following along and commenting on my slipcover unveiling! : )

  2. Love the lamp!!! I still have yet to post my lamp shade saga... :) It's actually sitting on the table right next to me staring at me as I type this. :)

  3. Both of them turned out very nice. They look lovely.
