Monday, January 4, 2010

99 cent chair. Not kidding.

Here's what I did this morning:

Of course, it's a train fort. Duh. I cannot believe you did not know.

Here's what I did this afternoon. I turned this chair from this post way back last year:

Into this:


Hey, I know what you're thinking. That looks a lot like this:

From this post. You're right. I found the new chair at another Thrift Store and it was only $.99. Yep. $.99. That's it. So, I scooped it up and brought it home. I could have done something crazy with it, but we've moved our entire house around, and now both chairs are in the office-playroom-that-was meant-to-be-the-formal-dining-room and I like things to be similar. Not matchy-matchy, but similar. I love them both. I can't decide which I like better. Although, I will tell you the 99 cent chair was harder to do. Different lines, those little arm thingies. Annoying. And I sound so professional.

I am sure professional upholsterers are screaming at me right now - "Staple gun!? Glue gun!? Fabric glue!? Spray paint!? You've got to be kidding me! Material from Goodwill for $3.99?! Ugghhh!" Guess what? I DON'T CARE! I am happy with it, and if the glue comes off, or the chair breaks, oh well. It was 99 cents!!!! Not even a dollar. Seriously.

You can see my tutorial on the chair here. And remember, if you don't swear, cry, burn your finger, staple your hand or throw a tool, you are not doing it right.

Shanty 2 Chic


  1. Looks seriously fantastic!! And I so love the boys fort.

  2. It looks amazing!!! Spray paint rocks! Oh, and I didn't know that Goodwill had fabric!

    Nice fort. So, fill me in...what's a "train" fort? Is that where the trains stop? We have castles here.

  3. LOL
    You crack me up!
    Chair looks great.
    I have never tackled a project like that... too scared.
    However, I have made a few forts in my day. :)
    I'm going to check out your previous posts to see if I can get the courage to do it... I am a pretty good cusser (LOL) so at least that is in my favor!

    Great job!

  4. Both chairs are totally amazing. They look marvelous and I love your Goodwill. Mine would have charged at least $20 for that chair (ripoff). I particularly like the fort. I use to love to play that with the kids. Actually, they always ended up leaving and moving onto something else before I did. So nice to have the serenity. Serenity Now!

  5. WOW! Where is this great thrift store? That looks terrific and who cares what you used as long as the chair looks like that?! Upholsterer shmuphosterer! You did a fab job!!!!!!

  6. Looks pretty great too me .. looking at all these blogs has me itching to go to the thrift store, I never look at the chairs .. why not?? And I was just there last night! Great idea thanks for sharing!!

  7. That looks terrific! I love ticking, I used the same fabric in my last post. Thanks for sharing.

    Love the fort too! hehehe

  8. That looks great!! And I am sure a "professional" would have charged you WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more to do that same exact thing! Way to go!

  9. Oh wow, that's incredible! I can't belive you found a thrift store that actually charges "thrift" prices these days. Awesome job!

  10. Very cute chair and GREAT redesign. I love finding chairs for less than a dollar, but usually they are found at auctions. Great thrift store find.

  11. You did that in an afternoon? Awesome! Love the price too.

  12. Great price and great transformation!

  13. It's gorgeous! You did this today? One day? Part of a day? Impressive and fabulous!!


  14. Kirsty,
    I love the way the chair turned out. And I use the same techniques you do...whatever works! I totally agree with your philosophy. What do you have to lose when you only paid a buck or two?! We are laughing all the way to the bank, right?
    Great job!

  15. Wow! 99 cents! That is amazing! It looks great!

  16. The chair turned out super-cute! Wish I could find good bargains like that!

  17. wow so jealoous at your great find. i wish i am able to have such luck. i need more chairs and furniture in my house.

  18. Love the chair - why doesn't my thrift store sell chairs for that price! I am thinking they secretly read these blogs and figure there are items out there that people want and hike the price!

  19. You did an amazing job - AGAIN. I have to find your kind of thrift shops :)

  20. I have the twin to this chair! I bought mine at an auction for $6.00 and I thought I got a good deal. Mine does not have fabric on the arms, though. I cannot wait to tackle mine and this has given me hope that it is not as hard as I thought it would be. Nice work!

  21. WOW! What a makeover! And the price - you definitely cannot beat that!

  22. Now that is just absolutely fabulous. I love both of your chairs. I have one of those cane chairs that I really don't like, I need to get busy and do something with it. Hugs, Marty

  23. I never find deals that good. It looks amazing!

  24. Love the chair and the price...oh the fort too! My boys would love that!

  25. Ok, I'm ready to reupholster something! Thanks for the inspiration. The only way to have originals in the house is to do them or do them over yourself! Way to go!

  26. That is so weird... My parents have that exact same chair... Exact. Just a different color... Hmmmm... Now you've got my wheels turning.
    Nice DIY!

  27. Wow, what a bargain on that chair. I love the fabric, it looks like something from a cottage by the beach. I think I said that about the first chair you did like that, but I love them both.

  28. wooohooo! great job and i love your attitude. they are meant to be enjoyed and you are enjoying them. :)

  29. Awesome! I'm a new follower!

    Thanks so much!

  30. Love the chair makeover and the fabric you used. Great job!

  31. Gotta love a deal like that! I love projects like this...looks like you spent a bunch but didn't...

  32. Looks awesome! I like the way you made two different chairs work by utilizing the same fabric for both.

    What? Who said upholsters don't use staple guns or glue? Have you ever taken apart a chair before? They are drowning in staples and glue! Great job!
