Sunday, January 3, 2010

So many, many things....

We are back from the cabin! We had the most amazing time! We lounged, read books, by the way, if you haven't read Sarah's Key, it is a MUST read. Amazing book. We played outside in the snow....we ate and ate and ate. It was awesome. And I hardly gained any weight...wink, wink.

It is wonderful to be able to see my kids playing with their cousins. Porter looks up to his older cousins so much. It is amazing what a little bit of desire to be like the older kids can do for a younger kid. I was surprised, amazed and impressed by him. And the older kids just kept playing with him. Not caring that he was younger or smaller or less experienced. It was fantastic to see.

Porter did things that I never knew he would do at 4. He had a sleepover in the loft with his cousins and he was up there the entire week without making a peep or running down to us to sleep in our room. He went sledding. By himself. On his belly. Down a huge hill. He was a rock star. The men at the cabin are really just grown boys. I mean that in the most loving way. They made the most amazing sledding luge down one of the hills on the property. It was fun and fast and even grandpa went down a couple of times! I am so proud of my little guy.

Jack showed his true self and was a riot the entire time. He was silly and cuddly and down-right fun. He was such a joy and a giggle box. He ate an entire bag of marshmallows. He even went sledding a couple times! He did bite me once in a fit of rage. That sucked. And hurt like nothing I've ever felt before. I nearly dropped him on his head out of pain...and anger...THAT. WAS. NOT. FUN.

Gus was the MVB (Most Valuable Baby) of the entire trip. Such a joy that little guy. He hung out outside, he giggled. He woke at 4 AM to play...such fun! I think he only cried once. THE WHOLE WEEK! All those kiddos kept him entertained.

It is so great to be able to spend time with your extended family and not worry about things being awkward. There is none of that and I just love it.

The second we got back I started putting the trip stuff away and while I was at it, I put all the Christmas decorations away. I was on a roll. Don't bother mama when she's on a roll! We were finished by 6 pm. When I say we, I actually mean I, I was finished by 6. Nah, Tom put the tree in the box. It was great to have everything done. But now without the Christmas decor the house feels empty! In addition to putting everything away, we decided spur of the moment to move our sectional to the basement and the leather couch to the family room. THIS was all Tom's idea. I swear. He pushed for it. So, now I have a front room with nothing in it. Time to fill it! Can't wait.

In other fantastic news my sister and her super cute BF got engaged on Saturday. They live far away right now, but hopefully will be moving closer to home soon. I am so excited for them! He is great. He spent an entire week this summer with our family and put up with my kids. Can't beat that. He came to our house for Thanksgiving and let the rest of us beat him at Farkle. Can't beat that either. I can't wait to help plan this. It's like I'm getting married all over again....okay, not really. I promise I won't take over!

That's enough for today. I'm exhausted. Need to work on the chair and get ready to start on the island and apparently the newly engaged couple would like one of these.

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