Tuesday, December 1, 2009

When boys don't nap...

Yesterday while the boys weren't napping (playing in rooms instead)....(bad day, don't ask).....I did a couple of projects.

Every (single) time I go to Target, I admire this berry wreath thingy:

I know it's only $9.99, but, I just didn't want to spend the money on it. I thought it would be frivolous. Lucky me, when we were taking out our Christmas decorations, I found two berry candle thingies, but there was only one candle (how odd?!). So I left the candle, grabbed the berries and made this:

It only slightly bothers me I only had two berry rings. Okay, it totally bothers me, but I'm not going to go buy another ring. Come on now, this was free!

Then while the boys were still messing around in their rooms when they were supposed to be napping, I did this. I've seen banners all over blogs. I didn't want a pennant banner, not crazy about the shape, although when other people make them, they look cool. So, I had some burlap, cut it into squares, had cloth ribbon from a wedding present that I have been saving for nearly 8 years now (I knew I would use it!) and used my new Cricut to cut out the letters (hurray, love my Cricut), then painted them on and glued the ribbon to the burlap. I think it turned out pretty well.

Nothing fancy, but I like it!

Finally I just whipped these out, no prob.

A little paint, some Cricut letters, a little mod podge...no biggie.

Here's today's projects. Porter is at school and Jack and Gus are actually napping! Hurray for naps!

When the family was here for Thanksgiving we went to Goodwill to look around and we found these two tables for $3.99 each. Seriously. $7.98 for two tables. They are awesome. Lou bought them and I told her I would paint them for her, but I have a feeling they will not be leaving my house. I love them. Need more paint though. And I have to go back and prime. Something I'm not used to doing!
This is our countdown to Christmas calendar. I got it at Target after Christmas last year for fifty percent off. It's cute, but I have something else in mind for it. Should be done tomorrow!

I've also got two more great projects in mind and I can't wait to get to Hobby Lobby to use my gift card for these two projects!


  1. Love the tiny wreaths and just using what you have to make them! Best it was FREE! Love the side tables! I saw a cute one at the GW this weekend. BUT it was $7.96 for one itty bitty table. I passed.

  2. loving the 2 tables. the legs look have a "french country" look to them. i'll gladly take them off your hands. :)

    merry christmas!
