Thursday, December 3, 2009

A funny story and some new stuff

I was feeding Guster yesterday morning and the other two were playing in my bathroom (what is the fascination with boys and bathrooms?). I watched as Jack proceeded to take Tom's deodorant out of his drawer and put it all over his body. Not just under his arms, NO, All. Over. Belly, arms, hands, Porter's belly. Quite funny. Then, a few minutes later I walked in there, because they had closed the door, and found Jack putting the deodorant on his feet, his legs, his arms....EVERYWHERE. He smelled like he took a bath in Old Spice. Ha!

So, I've been playing around with my blog and found out how to make a "button". I think it's cool, but I'm not sure I'm "cool" enough for a button....So it may or may not stick was fun to make and learning html is kind of fingernails on a chalkboard fun.

I have a couple photos to show you of what I did yesterday. My friend Leah made this fantastic advent calendar. How awesome is that!

(This one is hers, not mine, boo...)

Here's what our calendar looked like before:
These are just the tops. It was already on this wreath thing. I got it at Target last year for $7 after Christmas.

Here it is now:

I used my Cricut for the numbers. But, it seems to be missing something. Maybe some red berries? The boys loved getting their treat this morning!

Then I tried these balls that I saw at Chis, Erin and Jayce and these trees that I saw there too. Erin doesn't know it yet, but we're going to be new friends. She's a girl after my own heart, she loves chocolate!

Here's my twine ball. Love it. When I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday to spend my gift card (Thanks Lou!) I went a little crazy. Part of my crazy was styrofoam balls and cones and two, yes two big things of twine. Come on, they were only $1.99. I also saw a package of three twine balls for half off $14. I thought about it, then remembered Erin's post and figured I should try. So I did one ball for around $1. At first I didn't like it because you could see the styrofoam through the twine, but I got over that quickly. Now I want to do more, more, more! Plus, you could see the styrofoam through the Hobby Lobby balls too, so I figured it was okay.

So, after the successful twine ball, I tried the tree thing. Okay, I'm going to show you this, but NEVER, ever mention it again. I would say this was a crafting fail. I have to try again....

See how the tall one slants a little?! Leaning tree, maybe it belongs in Italy. The other one, well, crap. I decided that I am going to hang it upside down in the looks like a tornado....It's snowing right now, so thinking of spring is actually going to get me through the winter.

Just talked to my neighbor and last year I hosted a cookie exchange at Christmas, but this year we are going to do a craft night instead! Now I don't have to worry about making 30 dozen cookies. So excited to do it. Can't wait to plan what projects we will do!

Two boys down, one at school. Ooohh, forgot about these beauties. Lou bought them. They were $3.99 each. (There are two.) I sanded the tops and then primed and painted with Black Lacquer. She isn't getting them back.

(Picture is a little fuzzy for some reason.)

Decor Mamma


  1. What a deal on those tables. They look great black!

  2. i love that you posted the trees despite the not so successful look -- i cracked up! love the tables too!

  3. Great post! I think you are right, maybe some color added to the calander, but it is soooooo cute! The tables are awesome too!

  4. Oh I love a good crafting fail...and believe me, I've had many! Your table turned out great. Can't go wrong spray painting an old table black! Cute advent project too. Thanks for linkin' up to Frugalicious Friday!

    Jane @ Finding Fabulous

  5. Love your blog. I think I'll be a regular. I must tell you that I am laughing quite hard at 3:30 a.m. about the falling over twined Christmas cone -- 'nuf said (haha). You have some fabulous projects. I wish I were a neighbor so that I could join in on craft night.
