Monday, November 30, 2009

Gus turns 6 months and we made it through Thanksgiving!

Gus turned 6 months old yesterday. It's hard to believe. He weighs 15 pounds. He can alllllmost sit up by himself. He is still the happiest baby EVER. He rarely cries, except when he has an ear infection, of course. He wakes up giggling at 5 am nearly every day, but it's okay, because he falls back to sleep and at least he's giggling and talking and not crying! His brothers adore him and are constantly in his face trying to make him laugh. Porter is the only one that can send him into fits of belly laughter. It's amazing to watch. I think we'll keep him.

There's Grandpa Pat with Gus. Grandpa needs a haircut.....xoxoxo

Isn't he THE cutest.

My whole family was here for Thanksgiving and we and a fantastic time. Because we also celebrated Christmas at the same time since Sara, Lou and Dad will be in Costa Rica for Christmas, Sara named it ThanXmas. It only slightly caught on. We ate and played games and got to go for walks, and ate some more. It was a very happy holiday spent with the family.

Then on Sunday we got most of the decorations put up and decorated the tree. The boys loved putting their decorations up and asking about where we got every single decoration.

It was a great weekend. So happy that we had so much fun!

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