Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Family Rules

Here it is. Our family rules board. This whole project started because of this ginormous quilt Tom and I saw in California. You can see the story about that here. Then of course after becoming blogger-savy, I started looking around and found out that other people had already done this! Oh, the horror! My idea really was not my idea! Rats. But, I did use our own rules AND it is huge.

So, I was going to put it on an artists canvas. But a 48x48 canvas is close to a hundred bucks and I just didn't want to fork over any more money for this thing. So, I used hardboard. Which makes it a really heavy project, but at $8.50 for an 8x4 ft piece, it's cheap. So I had Home Depot cut it in half and I gave one half to my neighbor so she could make a chalkboard and I kept the other half. It had been sitting in the garage painted and waiting for awhile and we finally tackled it.

I spray painted the whole thing white and then we really decided we wanted to make it more of an art piece, so we sat down and Tom helped me calculated the spacing for each line and how much paper I would need for each line. He's a pro like that.

Then we laid everything out. 

After it was all laid out, I of course realized I didn't have the right Mod Podge and had to run to Ben Franklin. I got a large bottle of matte finish mod podge. And when I tell you I used the whole bottle, I am not kidding. I was afraid I would run out.

I put the stuff on the board, then the back of the paper, then the front of the paper. After it was all dry, I lined up the vinyl letters (Thank you, Ginger from the middle of nowhere Wisconsin for the cheap vinyl!) and placed them on the board.

After that was finished I brushed on some Ralph Lauren Smoke Glaze. Then cut up, painted, and roughed up some 1x4's and stapled the 1x4 to the board. (On the chalk board we attached the boards together with the Kreg, but this time, I didn't.) We'll see how it holds up. One thing to remember when using power tools - ALWAYS WEAR EYE PROTECTION. Cause if you don't you may end up getting shot in the eye with a stray nail from the pneumatic nail gun. I swear. I must be a true home improvement girl now. First I was shocked putting in the dimmer switch. Now, shot in the eye with a nail. Wait until I tell the story of Tom getting shot in the hand with a nail gun.....

Here's the finished product. I had a spot I wanted to put it, but now I think I'm changing my mind. Once I get it up, I'll take another photo.

(Hi Millie!)

It was a long, fun project and I am totally in love with it. Porter has already read it with me twice!



  1. Nice and very creative. I bet it helps to keep some peace and reminds the family daily. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  2. Kirsten, this is fantastic! Where will you hang it?

  3. Thanks! I think we're going to hang it in the laundry room. EVERYONE goes in there.

  4. What a great project and it looks sooooooooo nice!!

  5. It turned out great ! I've been thinking about doing one of these too. I think every house needs one. ;)

  6. That turned out great! We really need one of these, too!

  7. I think you should sell these and when I have kids I will buy one straightaway! :)

  8. Wow! I think every home needs one of these...I wish I would've had one when my big kids were little kids. Spending the time and energy on it tells your little ones that these rules are important too. Great lesson!

    Thanks for sharing it with us :)

  9. Wow, I just found your site and I LOVE this! I think we might have to figure out how to make one! Nice job!

  10. Wow, I just found your site and I LOVE this! I think we might have to figure out how to make one! Nice job!

  11. This turned out gorgeous! You did an outstanding job. And your husband is a KEEPER too! :)

  12. awww, how wonderful! We all need rules, and it's even better when we KNOW what the rules are!

  13. This would be a neat gift too. I like the idea of making the rules to post in a place they cannot be scratched out!

  14. What a "work of art"! Not only are the rules wonderful but it is a beautiful piece. You all are a wonderful family. Thank you for posting this!

  15. Awesome project ~ functional and very attractive too! You did a great job.

  16. I love those things! When my kids can read I think I'll do one!

  17. DARLING Kirsty! It turned out so well. I love it. And I love that you put the frame around it. It really makes the whole thing pop. Very cute!


  18. So cute! Great job and I love the 'quilt' background - so creative!

  19. Great idea. Espcially if the kids can read--they can't say they didn't know. I had a girlfriend who had rules listed and posted on their refrigerator with consequences for breaking the rule listed beside it.

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