Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh Jack, how you challenge me so....

So, we're in Target today getting random things like towels for the many guest we have coming this weekend, diapers and dish soap. Oh, by the way they had a small sampling of Mrs. Meyer's products. Love them all. Our Realtor introduced me to it a while ago....it's fantastic. The only other place I've found it is World Market.

So, Jack started throwing a fit the second we got inside because Porter was looking at him. Seriously. Porter. Was. Looking. At. Him. The kid is two and a half and it already is coming to that! So, he's freaking out about absolutely everything. I want a toy, I don't want to get a present for someone else, I don't want that in my cart, I don't want Porter to walk next to me.....blah, blah, blah. And I'm grabbing something and he's screaming and all of a sudden he's crying and says, "I peed in my pants. My pants wet. I peed in my pants." Awesome. Great. Even better - I look on the floor underneath him and there is a huge puddle of pee. Great. Needless to say, we scurried our little bodies out of Target as fast as we could!

Yesterday I was sick, still not feeling well, but I have to get organized for tomorrow. So, at 9 am I called Tom and asked him to come home, of course he did. And he spent the day entertaining the boys. Just so you know, I am not the only person who is crafty in this house. He is quite the crafty one.  Check out these photos:


The boys decorated paper and Tom cut them into snow flakes. Then he traced their hands onto paper and made turkeys and they wrote down what they were thankful for. (I know I'm not supposed to end a sentence in a preposition, but I don't know any other way!)

Tom also helped me figure out the "Thor Family Rules" art work, that should be done today. What a guy!

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