Sunday, November 15, 2009


Yesterday we went to the Milwaukee State Fair Grounds for TRAINFEST. The boys are OBSESSED with trains. OBSESSED. In fact, on our chalkboard we keep track of when we hear trains go through town. I know. Boys. So we went down to see what the hub-bub was about. We waited in traffic. Yes, traffic. Then we waited in line outside, good thing it was nice out for November in Wisconsin. While standing in line we realized that there were lots of people walking in with step stools. Tom and I realized we were in for a very sore and tiring morning of lifting the boys up to see the train setups. And so when we got in there I was carrying Gus in the sling and I would pick up one of the boys at times and Tom would pick up both of them at times. Next time - STOOLS. We had a pretty good time. But, I'm pretty sure Porter thought he was going to get to leave with an entirely new train set. So he was a mean grumpy bear when we left. But they both said they had a good time. Oh. Gus slept nearly the entire time. Really. Can't go wrong with that kid.


On the way home we stopped at ReStore. More on that in the next post!

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