Friday, November 13, 2009

Kitchen REFAB

Okay. Refab. Meaning, I love my kitchen and it was once fabulous, but became outdated and is now fabulous again. I've used this term before and I'm claiming it. It's mine. But, feel free to use it, of course. I LOVE my new kitchen. I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT. Just as much as I love my refabbed ottoman.  I'm just so excited. I couldn't wait to get up this morning and see it, and then post about it!

To start, I love old houses. Our first house was a 1940's bungalow. Loved it and we did tons of work to it, but it was in a tough neighborhood and once we had our first baby it was time to move. Our second house was a 1960's ranch. We did a few things to it, but not much. That was not my favorite house, but you could not beat the location. Two minutes from SuperTarget. Fantastic. The house we are currently in, is new. 2005 new. It was not our house first. Someone else had it for a few years, then it sat vacant for nearly two years until we happened upon it. We love our neighbors and the neighborhood. It couldn't get better, well, if there was a Target and a Hobby Lobby next door, then it could be better. So, I love old house and the character that old houses bring. Here's why: People have LIVED in them. They have stories. They worked hard for what they had (not that people in new houses don't!). Old houses have little nooks that you have no idea what they were used for, paint caked on in 5 different colors, stairs that have been painted, sanded, carpeted and then carpeted again. They have stories.

So, I wanted to give our house a story. The kitchen isn't anything fancy, but I really like how the house goes around in a circle. Our kitchen gets tons of sunlight all day long. Here is the before:


Here's the during:

I took all the cabinet doors off (except the ones above the fridge), sanded and primed everything. I used KILZ to prime, if you care. Then I painted the fronts of the doors first, and the backs last. One coat of primer, THREE coats of paint. I used Ralph Lauren paint because I found a white that I really liked, however, I usually use Behr. The Ralph Lauren was around from painting the laundry room.



Okay, so here's the lowdown. I had everything I needed here at home from previous projects. That beadboard isn't beadboard. Seriously! It's wallpaper. I saw this wallpaper at Home Depot a few weeks ago and really wanted to buy it, but it's wallpaper. So, I didn't get it. Plus it was $25. Not needed when I didn't know what I would do with it. Then. Then. Tom decided it was okay for me to paint the kitchen. Yeah. He was totally against painting the Oak Cabinets (Ahhh, don't you dare, he said.) He was also against me putting wallpaper up...I was going to do the real thing, but realized that with three boys running around it is all going to get beat up anyway. So I went back to Home Depot to get the wallpaper and the black paint (Behr, Black Suede, semigloss) and the wallpaper was 1/2 off! I nearly croaked. I also nearly bought two and then realized that I don't have that much stuff to beadboard. The wallpaper is actually pretty easy to do, except when you try and cut it wet after it's been put up. You need a really sharp blade. Fortunately the seems melted away with the use of black paint. Can't even see them.

Breakdown: 1/2 gallon Ralph Lauren paint at $25(color is escaping me), still have tons left. Let's call it
$14. 1/4 quart Black Suede Behr at $14. We'll say I used $6 of it. And the wallpaper at $12.97. And I have over half left that I will be using in our bathrooms. We had the hardware. Total for project: $26.

LOVE IT. Let's look again.

I will be doing a backsplash, I found a bunch of subway tiles at ReStore, but we are going to use those in our bathroom instead, so I'm on the hunt for glass tile. LOVE MY NEW KITCHEN!

I WILL be linking this to Frugalicious Friday, for sure. And Metamorphosis Monday. And I Made it with What I Had. And DIY Day. And Transformation Thursday. I can't wait to hear what all these creative ladies think! And to see what they've done!


  1. this looks great! love the new look -just because i am curious, what is the long decorative thing that is on the bar part?

  2. I love how the black and white goes so well together. I really like that you did the back of the peninsula in black.

  3. Oh what a differance!! Looks great!! Love the beadboard!

  4. You did such a great job and it sounds like you still have your sanity. It looks so good, I am envious of your wallpaper deal. I'll have to do some scouting...

  5. Jen - the long thing on the counter is my Thanksgiving centerpiece. If you want, you can see it here!

  6. GORGEOUS/.I like the black and white contrast. Is the long thingy on your bar a Thankful lettering?


  7. I would so love to paint my cabinets but it is just not possible with all my dark wood work! I love yours and love your "refab'" term. It definitely is fab!

  8. ps--I feel the same way about houses and their stories :)

  9. Beadboard wallpaper? Go figure! Looks great!

  10. Yes, I love old houses too! Our present home was built circa 1929, stucco with tile roof and arched porch. Wonder if I have a place for beadboard wallpaper? You've used it very well!

  11. Love the new refab! I have white cabs with black hardware (and some black appliances) and am sooo tempted to paint the bottom cabs black. I love that look. Great job Kirsty..thanks for linking up!

  12. Your kitchen looks just gorgeous. I love it. I love the black and white. Hugs, Marty

  13. Nice! AND...I know just what you mean about older houses. I am one of those people that love older homes because of all the unique nooks and crannies and weird stuff--our home was built in the 40's and then added onto at some point. I like the archways in the halls, the spindles (at least SOME of them--not ALL), the nook for a telephone, the beadboard, the tongue and grove ceiling in the sunroom, the fireplaces, the old cabinets, the secret room, etc. I do not NOT like the TINY closets, nor do I like the lack of a pantry...but alas...sacrifices /pros and cons, righto? I never have liked the coldness, the square boxiness , the boring lay out of so many of the new homes. BUT there are new homes I like.....I especially like homes with lots of light! ANYWAYS, all this to say that I concur with your love for the 40's home.

  14. Wow great transformation!! I love the beadboard. I am needing to get some black paint for some projects- was yours black black- I hear that it's one of those tricky colors to pick!

  15. Looks fabulous!!! I need to paint my kitchen cabinets. And I need to get some of that beadboard wallpaper. Your kitchen turned out great!!!

  16. Oh, I love your "re-fabulous" new kitchen! I say new, because it really looks totally new and up to date now! Great job...I love the white cabinets next to your black appliances! And the beadboard wallpaper...I have got to get me some of that! Thanks for linkin' up!

    Jane @ Finding Fabulous

  17. This looks amazing! I really want to paint our kitchen cabinets white, but haven't mustered up the motivation to take on the project. Great job!

  18. Wow!!! What a great job... totally the look I'm planning. I've got the maple cabinets too... but I want to go white and do a black island with the beadboard... great minds think alike - Great job!

  19. Oh, your new kitchen looks GREAT! Black and white are favorite color combos. Good job!

    I have a new appreciation for old houses. I just started blogging to tell the story of how transforming our 1940's house has transformed us...Please stop by!


  20. That looks fantastic! And the beadboard is the perfect touch.

  21. Wow!Love the black & white!Super chic!:)

  22. Ducky! Oh my, have you outdone yourself this time! I LOVE LOVE LOVE what you have done. All of it, delicious! I can't wait to have you come to my house and help me with MY kitchen!!!!!Love you JENN

  23. I love it! Of course, I suppose that might be because those are my kitchen colors, too, but whatever. :) I'm a big fan! Wonderful job.

  24. OK, so I just showed Olivia and Chris all of your projects, the last being the kitchen. My sweet daughter replied with, "Geez, Mom, she's a worker. A real worker. WIsh you could do that kind of stuff in a day or two." Gotta love the little twerp with the newly painted bedroom, custom drapes, etc. etc.....she's for thrift store prices.....Just kidding!

  25. Looks so fabulous! Have you thought about painting the wood frame around the window? It would look great white too!

  26. I have thought about painting the window trim! And all the other trim in the house! It's all up for debate right now. We can't really decide what to do. We also have two doors that we are debating on in the kitchen too. Any thoughts on just one white window? Does all the trim in the house have to match??? This has been debated in our house for the last few months!

  27. Why are all husband's against painting UGLY MUGLY oak cabinets?? My husband forbids, and says "you can just paint them??" DUH! So I am gearing up to do my kitchen this spring.. SO EXCITED!
    Question: what color paint do you have on the walls? LOVE IT!!!! Come check my bloggy out if you can

  28. Oh my goodness! Your kitchen is beautiful! Your ideas helped me so much because my kitchen is almost identical to yours - oak cabinets, black appliances, brown trim, same layout. You just inspired me. I would love to find the beadboard wallpaper. How fun! Was the wall paper white originally?

  29. One other question. Did you use latex enamel paint that I keep reading about? Does regular latex do the trick?
