Thursday, November 12, 2009

Drop that paintbrush

Last night as I was finishing my last coat of paint on the kitchen cabinets (yep, it happened) I looked over at Gus, who was feeding himself a steak with a side of potatoes, that he prepared. I know! 5 months old and feeding himself a full meal. I decided right there to drop my paintbrush and go hold and snuggle my child. The painting could wait 20 minutes while Gus finished his bottle. Gus is a pretty independent kid and quite content just hanging out feeding himself, but my friend Jenn inadvertently reminded me that time with them when they are babes is so short that we need to snuggle and get hugs and kisses as much as we can. So I did just that. And it was great. That kid is just so fantastic. As are the other two, of course. Well, maybe not Jack. Nah, just kidding.

But here's a good Jack story for you. The other day he was in the pack-n-play in the guest bedroom for his nap. He naps there when Porter is home because they would play if they napped in the same room. So, I'm downstairs doing some project and Jack is supposed to be napping. Ahhh, but he's not. He climbed out of the p-n-p, moved a bunch of stuff around the room, grabbed a book from a basket, took off his pull-up, pooped and peed inside the book, tried to put the book back, put his pull-up on (backwards), then climbed back into the p-n-p. When I came up after naps were over I saw stuff all over and noticed that his pull-up was on backwards, thought the room smelled a little funny. And asked him if he pooped his pants...."Nope." He said. Then I saw the book half put away and noticed it wasn't shutting all the way and opened it up to a fantastic surprise. How great. The only thing I could do was laugh. It was hard to be an effective mother when I'm laughing hysterically.....

Jack has also been known to steal cookies out of the cookie jar.....

Tomorrow I should be finished with the kitchen. Can't wait to show pictures!


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