Tuesday, November 10, 2009

More projects!

Tom took Friday off to hang out with us and we spent most of the morning at Hobby Lobby! Yippee for me. The boys of course love it there, but Tom, not so much.

Then the rest of the weekend I put him to work. He did get to take the older boys to Farmer Feet (That's what the boys call Farm and Fleet) and Toys-R-Us to make some Christmas Lists. They had a blast and when they came home they wouldn't stop talking about all the cool things they saw there. Now, if only we could have some time to ourselves to go shopping!

Lately I've just been lying in bed at night thinking of different butterfly projects I can do to occupy my time instead of cleaning or doing laundry. So, here's one of them. We have a king size bed, but no headboard. So we took some molding and put one on the wall. I think it looks fantastic! And Tom actually likes it too. Plus he got to use his nail gun, that always makes him happy. Porter and Jack however, did not like the sound and FREAKED out. Gus just laid on the bed giggling.

I had some leftover gray paint from the laundry room and so I just used that. I love it!

What's next? Leftover hardboard from a chalkboard project turned into initial projects for the boys. I got letters from Hobby Lobby. Spray painted the board and glued on the letters. Oh, and I glazed it with Smoke Glaze from Ralph Lauren. Gus didn't get left out of this project, he was sleeping when I took the pictures...

I also repainted their dresser and nightstand. Neither were UGLY, I was just over how bright they were. The dresser was black with these green drawers, cute. But, it's much better now. The nightstand has been a rainbow of colors, but was recently bright red. Now it matches the dresser. Oh, and I sprayed the handles with ORB, of course.

Oh crap. These pillow covers. That has been the hardest project so far. Sewing is not my strong suit. But, I tried. All new pillow covers. They look nice, and I love this iron-on, BUT, it's hard to look at the pillows because I know what's under there. Not crisp white pillow forms, but old crappy green pillows...

And here's what started this whole mess of Butterfly Projects. I decoupaged them onto a cabinet door that I bought so that I could show Tom what black cabinets would look like. (I think I've got him in for white....cross your fingers.) I think it looks pretty cool. The top picture is the table we made together and the bottom pic is the headboard thing.

So, while I wait for my 48x48 canvas to show up so I can finish that Family Rules project, I may get to paint the kitchen!!! Here's hoping!


  1. LOVE the headboard! And I like the pillows. Of course, I can't sew a lick. So I just admire all the sewing projects and DREAM. Cute blog!

  2. Love it! You've gotten me hooked on these decorating blogs now and tonight we're doing the bathroom! I'll post some pictures.

  3. I see a business in the making! These are marketable skills! Help stay at home moms decorate inexpensively!

  4. Just came across your blog from a friend's-very cute! I share a few of your "wannabe" traits (photographer, crafter, writer) so I couldn't help but read on :)

    Love this headboard idea, I will be promptly copying it as soon as I can get to Lowes for some wood trim. Thanks for a great idea!

  5. pk @ Room Remix
    Your headboard turned out great! Thanks for leaving me the link so I could see it. Have a good weekend...
