Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jack's Big Day!

Jack turned 2 yesterday. My how time flies. It has gone by so quickly. I never realized how quickly time goes by until I had kids. It is truly amazing. Every day Jack is learning something new and it is so fun to hear him use new words and develop new skills. I try and remember when Porter did those things and of course, my horrible memory does not aide me a bit. It is amazing how different these two little beings are and it will be so interesting to throw another little one in the mix. I can't wait.

Jack received lots of special presents for his birthday. One of the greatest, was a cold. You can see in the photos his eyes are all glassy and his nose is runny. The cold made him cranky and tired, but we still went to McDonald's for dinner and came home and had cake and opened presents.

It amazes me that Jack has so many words and knows so many things - I'm sure it helps to have a brother bossing him around! Here are some photos from the festivities.

Happy Birthday Jack! We love you!

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