Thursday, April 2, 2009

Birthdays and Big Strides

A couple highlights from the past few days:

We went to a Bike Swap in the neighboring town last Saturday. It wasn't anything special, BUT, Porter and I are now famous in the town of Oconomowoc, WI. We made the local paper.

Also, in my attempt to become a "real photographer" as opposed to a fake one, I took Jack's two year pictures. I am not nearly as good at this as my friend Medora, but I'm trying! I wish she were here to give me tips - or take their pictures for me!

I signed Porter up for his first swimming lessons all by himself. I am really nervous about these. He doesn't seem to care that much. But we'll see what happens when he realizes that he is going to be in that water with some stranger and not me. I will be watching from the side...

He also made huge strides today. We have been going to the Y for the last few months so that I can save my sanity and the boys can get some interaction and play time with other kids. Porter and Jack have been going to Kids Care while I workout. Because Porter can tell the teachers when he has to go potty he has been given the chance to go and play in the gym with the big kids. For the last two months he has chosen to stay and play with Jack in the small room. But not today! Today when all the kids lined up to go to the gym Porter decided he was ready to go with them. I saw him playing in there after my spin class and I was so excited. He was playing basketball, throwing the ball around and trying to dribble. It was so cool. Big strides, I tell ya. Big strides.

How boring is this? The boys rooms are nearly finished. Porter's new bed is in his room and there are a few things on the walls. For now we are going to keep Jack in the toddler bed, he's sleeping in it (after I put railings up) but he is not ready for a big bed yet. In a couple of weeks we will put them in the room together. I am currently waiting for Tom to put in a closet system to get their clothes organized in there! Waiting, waiting, waiting....

Easter Egg hunt at the Y this weekend and another Bike Expo. Then Jack's birthday! We aren't doing anything special. Probably just cake and ice cream and presents. I mean, he is only two....and we only know about four families here!

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