Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Water Heater Guy

Today we had someone here to fix the water heater. Long story, but we used to have to light the heater to get some hot water and NOW after the guy came to fix it we have NO HOT WATER! Good thing we belong to the Y, hopefully they don't mind seeing a nako pregnant woman washing in the pool!

The funny part of this is that Porter has certainly come out of his shell and has become very friendly with people. Porter and Tom were downstairs with Leonard the water heater repairman and it was time for Porter to go to bed, so Porter wanted to say goodnight to the guy and went over to him and said goodnight and tried to give him a hug and a kiss! Funny! He came upstairs very sad and explained what happened. I had to then explain to him that we don't hug and kiss strangers...at least not until he gets to college.

It's too bad that I just had to go upstairs and bring the hammer down on them for playing instead of sleeping! I told them that if they talked they would have to go sleep in the garage.

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