Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Where did my penis come from?

This was yesterday:

First of all, I'm currently listening to my boys playing together and actually laughing! Yippee! They can get along!

On a regular basis Porter asks me about his body parts. Today was no exception:

Porter: Mom, why did God give me a penis?

Me: Because he wanted you to be a boy.

Porter: How did he give it to me?

Me: Hmmm (still getting used to having to answer on the fly)... when you were in my tummy God gave you certain things that make you a boy, and a penis was one of them.

Then later:

Porter (while running around): God no, God no....

Me: Porter, what's the matter?

Porter: Nothing, I'm just asking God not to give me a penis.

Me: Why? Do you want to be a girl?

Porter: No way, I just don't want a penis.

Me: Sorry bud, it comes with the territory....

Porter: Okay.


Spent the afternoon in tears because Jack won't go to sleep and all I feel like I've been doing lately is yelling at the kids. Some days I have no idea what I am doing being a mother....

1 comment:

  1. I need to talk to you about Photoshop, since I found the cutest blog website a while ago on another friend's blog, I have been trying to make my own background, but I am photoshop challenged. Did you make your banner in photoshop?
