Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tummy trouble

When all the worlds align, funny things happen:

1) Today marks 100 days left of pregnancy - the little alien baby is starting to look a little less alienish.
2) Ellen happened to be on the television and Porter caught something that she and the guest were talking about.
3) Porter made a funny comment, but did not realize that it was funny.

The boys know that Gus is in my tummy and he will be coming out to play this summer. They are constantly touching my stomach and sometimes Jack will just sit next to me with his hand on my belly - very cute until he climbs on top and makes me pee a little....

So, on Ellen today there was a guest on that had pregnancy secrets of the stars. One of the items was a 'Belly Bandit'. Some sort of wrap that goes on seconds after you give birth to help your stomach and back regain their strength and return to your pre-pregnancy size quicker. So, Porter sees this thing and nonchalantly says, "Hey, you need that right now!"

I will be ordering a 'Belly Bandit' before I go into labor.

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